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National Geographic Explorer Classroom

National Geographic is a very familiar company to me, as they have a television station that shows documentaries about wildlife and areas around the world. As someone who has focused on science for a majority of my time in college, it is really good to have informative videos on animals and plants. As a potential future middle school science teacher it could be beneficial to have videos about nature and be able to learn how to be more “green.”

National Geographic uses live interactive sessions for classrooms. These sessions let the students ask questions to the explorer and learn all about the environment that they are in. National Geographic has many stories. These stories have five focus areas that include oceans, land, wildlife, human histories and cultures, and human ingenuity.

I chose to look more into the session called pristine seas. Looking at the overview, it talks about how important the ocean is, a how important protecting our ocean is. This activity can provide a class with an extensive overview of the vastness of the ocean and learn about the wildlife, while also learning the importance of protecting the ocean.

Explorer classroom. National Geographic Society. (n.d.). https://www.nationalgeographic.org/tickets/explorer-classroom/

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