The Importance of Teacher Collaboration discusses the passion and dedication that educators have, often with advanced degrees, who may feel lost at certain points while in the teaching profession. By working together in planning and teaching, educators can find support, encouragement, and connections, by sharing the hardships of teaching responsibilities.
This writing expresses what Teacher Collaboration is. The answer is simple. Teacher collaboration is described as educators that work together to develop certain lesson plans, share experiences of different concerns related to there students performance and behavior, share student challenges to see if they can work together to help advance the kids that need it, and provide mutual support and encouragement to get through different hard situations that come along with the teaching profession.
Something announced in this article that I personally believe is one of the more efficient ways to collaborate with the teachers around them is Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). While I am working in a school district as a Substitute Teacher and also having a mother that is a current teacher, I have heard of what these meetings consist of. They typically run before school hours, and they are to ensure that all teachers in that specific group are on track with the lessons they are educating their students with. There is always new curriculum coming in and it in important to assist your fellow PLC group members with any questions or concerns they may have along the way. This is a really great way to collaborate with teachers within the same grade level as you, that was presented in this article.
In Conclusion, it is very important to collaborate with other teachers. I feel as though some people could be secretive and not want other teachers to “steal” their lessons or activities within the classroom. But, I believe this is an immature thought one could have because if you help and share ideas within your fellow teachers, the day you need help theres are the people that are going to be there for you.