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Using Private Chats in Distance Learning Platforms to Meet Individual Needs

Have you ever refrained from raising your hand in class to share your answer due to fear of being incorrect? Have you held back from asking a question in front of your class because you feel like no one else is struggling? We have all been there. Sometimes it can be difficult to reach out for help publicly out of embarrassment or anxiety. In distance learning, most communication is made through a public chat box or discussion board. Some learners may not thrive in the class if this is their only form of communication.

The private chat option allows students to communicate with their educators honestly and without an audience. This individualized support can make a big difference in a students academic success in distance learning. However, I understand that it can be difficult for educators to monitor private chats during a lesson. In this case, paraeducators, or co-hosts in that chat, will be able to monitor these conversations and provide the support that is needed if the head teacher is unavailable at the moment.

This feature limits stress and anxiety for students and promotes a more personal support system for students while distance learning. Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Adobe Connect are all platforms that allow private chats between a host and individual learner.

Click this link to watch a short video on how to start a private chat on Zoom.

This image represents online distance learning where a private chat box might come in handy for students who feel more comfortable expressing concerns to their teacher directly.

Source: Bugaj, C. (2022). Inclusive learning 365: Edtech Strategies for every day of the Year. Hawker Brownlow Education.

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