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Global Collaboration in Education.

While trying to find PLN’s on social media, I came across a lot of people who worked in childcare on YouTube, making videos to get children more engaged while at home. These people have become good outlets for children to watch, singalong, and learn. The first person to do this before social media was Bill Nye The Science Guy . He would create episodes for children to engage in about science. Every episode was a new and fun lesson about a different part of science. Now, similarly, people like Danny Go and Ms.Rachel create videos online, including on Youtube and Instagram, to touch on important topics for kids while singing, dancing, and even using sign language. By creating these videos, it allows them to reach children from all across the world. They try to create a new and fun way of learning, and sometimes they even get them moving. It is also interesting to see how much of an impact they have on other content creators as well. People have become inspired by their work, and children are able to learn and have lots of fun all around the world because of their content.

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