Throughout people’s education in school inclusive learning is an important strategy that all teachers should be using to benefit their students. After reading and exploring this article, on the cover page of the website it discusses how people come from all different parts of the world and education must be versatile to fit each different student. Inclusive learning allows each student to have their own personal “lesson plan” that allows them to learn to the best of their ability.You can also have AI assist you with creating lesson plans. AI can create plans, but you must review them before sharing it. AI is a great tool to use technology to help you create a new up to date lesson. It also allows students to understand what they are learning and what the end goal is. What I have learned after reading this website is that though it is important for teachers to teach what the school gives them, but they must provide lessons that can fit each and everyone of their students.

This image shows how each student is different, but can learn and come together.