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Digital Geoboards for Inclusive Geometry Lessons

Geoboards are a very useful tool for teaching geometry. They can help students learn the structure of different shapes, how to calculate perimeter and area, and they can even be used outside of math classrooms to create art.

However, some students may not enjoy working with them. Perhaps they struggle with fine motor skills, or perhaps they have sensory issues with rubber bands or the boards themselves. Thankfully, there are digital tools that allow these students to use geoboards without the aspects they don’t like such as this Geoboard app.

Digital tools often allow for more customization than physical ones. With the opportunity to toggle different settings, “digital geoboards are more flexible and offer additional options for engagement and annotation,” (Bugaj et al., 2021, p. 219).

Of course, some students may prefer physical geoboards. The kinesthetic aspect of using them could be important to their learning. But having digital versions available shows that no matter their needs or preferences, all students are welcome. That inclusive environment is incredibly important and will make everyone in your classroom feel seen.

Bugaj, C., Janowski, K., Marotta, M., & Poss, B. (2021). Inclusive Learning 365: Edtech strategies for every day of the year (p. 219). International Society for Technology in Education.

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