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Class and Team Building

from Adventures in Authentic Learning Class and Team Building by Kristin Harrington

The Importance of Belonging

A Learning study by Schwartz, Tsang, and Blair is helping us understand the significance of creating a welcoming and constructive classroom environment for learning.  It is essential for children to study in a safe atmosphere where they are made to feel valued and heard.  A student cannot begin to learn when they are in a high-stress environment where they do not feel comfortable or like they belong.  Everyone has a basic need to belong, it is fundamental, and productive learning can only occur in an environment where this is felt (Harrington 11).

The book The ABCs Of How We Learn written by Schwartz, Tsang, and Blair explains the significance of the feeling of belonging in a classroom.

Ways to Welcome

There are numerous strategies to maintain a positive environment in the classroom when it comes time to propose a project.  Research-based strategy recommends using scripts to advise the students how to interact appropriately and effectively with each other.  This promotes awareness among students and keeps them supportive of one another. Conducting intelligence surveys is another choice for the classroom. These exercises show how to establish a supportive classroom environment that supports project-based learning. 

Using intelligence surveys

 Utilizing intelligence surveys, like the one we see above, not only helps design classes that cater to the needs of all kids, but it also teaches them to value difference in others. 

Students can gain a better understanding of who they are and how diverse interests and preferences might be advantageous while working cooperatively.

Using Scripts

Students can learn how to effectively collaborate and build social skills by using scripts. More precisely, epistemic scripts help in task focus, while social scripts help students work cooperatively with their classmates. Scripts may look like:

“Let’s make sure everyone has a chance to talk . . .”

 “I would like to add to your idea by . . .”

“I like your idea, but have a few questions about . . .”

(Harrington 12)

Utilizing scripts keeps it a safe space for all students to express what is on their mind.

These resources and strategies allow for the classroom to maintain a positive and safe environment for all students, allowing for the most productive learning.

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