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Technology in Teaching

In the article I have read about creating videos for students in the classroom to learn from. The article is titled, “Four Tips for Creating Awesome Classroom Videos” on page 15, found in the link. The teacher from the article found a way to help all students at the same time, by using an online video created by him to help explain the topic more. The teacher we read about, John Stock, taught his coworkers and other educators about this neat way to help all of the students. Stock didn’t just use his videos to go over the lesson, or to teach, but to give out announcements as a way to connect with his students. By adding in these informational videos, it provided time for him to work one on one with the students who needed the extra attention. After his introduction to the topic and why they are important, we learn from Stock four amazing tips to help us educators see just how he made this possible. Stock starts off with telling us, “Just do it!”, instead of being nervous or worrying perfection it’s more important to just hop on the screen and try. Doing this benefits your students, they don’t need to see perfection all the time, just try and show them what you got! Second tip, be simple! Get right to the point in your videos, don’t overcomplicate or use big vocabulary, make it so everyone can understand. Stock also mentions QR codes as a nice easy way to get your video out there, instead of logging in, going through many different websites, have it easily accessible. Connect with your students, introduce yourself and don’t be overly closed off to students, you need to form a genuine connection. Finally, a big one to help nowadays, model famous social media personalities. Kids all the time now are on YouTube and social media, they like they videos usually because the person producing them or how they act in front of the camera. Model that, use funny lines, add in cool transitions, etc. the students want something they can relate to.

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