I finished reading this inclusive education article, I started to gain an understanding of how important it is to have inclusive classrooms. While in an inclusive classroom, children start to understand the importance of others around them. These classrooms value diversity, inclusion, and bringing every student together. By doing this, it will create a safe environment for the children in their class. I also learned that removing children from the classroom will create reasons for resentment and cause the child to be confused. Every child should stay in the classroom, no matter what the situation is. Every classroom is built to make every child feel included and wanted. Teachers must create this safe space for the kids, and the parents must also provide that for them. Some of these classrooms have flexible seating arrangements and special tools to help focus children when needed in the classroom. Teachers also learn different strategies on how to navigate a lesson if a child learns in a different manner.

This image gives an example of what it is like to be in an inclusive classroom.