Tag: Webtools

  • Take A Trip To Neave Planetarium!

    Did you ever want to learn about outer space, stars, constellations and many more? If so then Neave Planetarium is one of the best things you can visit! I have always liked the stars since I was younger. I loved to look up at night and see how many stars would be out at night.…

  • Virtual Field Trip to Easter Island

    Easter Island has always piqued my interest. I always found it strange that there were giant stone statues of faces along the island. How did the statues get to where they are? How did the people thousands of years ago have the tools to move these heavy stones? I took a trip to Easter Island…

  • FlipGrid

    FlipGrid is one of the most interactive ways to communicate in classroom settings. The chapter we read this week in the online textbook “Sail the 7 c’s With Microsoft Education” talks about the ways classrooms can communicate globally. FlipGrid was one of the ones that stood out to me because I am so familiar with…

  • Knocking Down the Barriers of Classroom Communication

    Many workplaces are run on the basis of communication. Whether it be in an office, a sports team, a classroom, etc. None of these settings can thrive without an established and effective communication system. Specifically in a classroom, it is important for the educator to be able to meet the needs of their students. Doing…

  • Communication-The Spectrum of Abled and Disabled

     We have always heard the phrase “Out with the old, in with the new!” but can we say that when it comes to schooling? After reading Chapter 2 of Sail the 7C’s with Microsoft Education I can say this has come to fruition! This chapter focuses its emphasis on communication technology integrated into the educational…

  • World Savvy

    World Savvy is a non-profit organization based in the United States that aims to educate and engage young people in global issues. The organization offers programs and resources for educators and students to promote global competency and cross-cultural understanding. World Savvy’s primary goal is to prepare young people to navigate the complexities of an interconnected…

  • Microsoft Form

    After reading chapter 2 of the textbook “Sail the C’s,” I have learned more about Microsoft Forms and have decided to explore it further. Microsoft Forms is a versatile tool that allows users to create online surveys for collecting all kinds of data. With Microsoft Forms, users can create forms, surveys, quizzes, and polls for…

  • Sway like a Ship on the 7 C’s

    Education relies heavily on communication, but it is not all about the words alone. Communication entails so many factors such as emotions, intent and voice. To ensure the recipient completely understands the meaning behind the message that is being presented so much more has to go into it than words. That is why Sway, a…

  • Microsoft Translator: A Classroom Must Have

    After reading Chapter 2 of Sail the 7 C’s, Microsoft’s Translator tool stood out to me the most. This tool isn’t just useful in the classroom, it’s useful to so many others. It is amazing how it eliminates a language barrier and allows conversation between anyone which results in clear communication.  Students can connect with…

  • Communicating using Sway

    Microsoft Sway is a story telling application/program created by Microsoft that presents ideas on screen in an interactive and intuitive way. Sway allows individuals and families working with students to create a digital interactive history, moving forward and back in the dynamic presentation at their own pace selecting what video to play while looking at…

  • Presenter Coach

    Microsoft has created an elaborate AI-based tool to improve presentations and presentation skills in PowerPoint. With a collection of evaluation features ranging from presentation content to tone of voice, Presenter Coach holds massive opportunities for growth and development. Some, like myself, may be thinking, “If only this tool had existed in the past!”. Reflecting back…

  • Empatico

    This is a free way to communicate globally with pen pals virtually, it focuses on ages 7-11 to spread kindness and empathy through collaboration. They offer many different programs and each program is customizable for every classroom. It can be customized with however the educator or student wants This website is all about how to…

  • Brightening the Classroom with Discovery Education

    Before we start, here is a quick video on what Discovery Education is and what they are about! Field trips have been a staple of the educational experience for grade school students, providing a hands-on learning experience that is difficult to replicate in the classroom. However, traditional field trips can be expensive, time-consuming, and logistically…

  • Global Classrooms

    This tool helps educate students on global issues and helps the students strengthen public speaking, negotiation, and writing skills. I chose this tool because I believe it is very important for students to develop a good skill of public speaking and writing.  Both are needed very much in the real world due to the fact…

  • Empatico.

    Empatico is a free online learning platform that allows students to connect with one another from all-around the world. It was first launched backing 2017 by the KIND Foundation, a foundation aimed to foster a more empathetic world. The goal of Empatico is to help develop young students global awareness, collaboration skills and empathy to…

  • Learning For Justice!

    The tool I chose for my blog is, Learning For Justice. There are a few reasons that I chose this tool. For starters, I chose this tool because I have prior experience with this tool. I have used it in activities in my preschool classroom about social awareness and social justice. The other reason I…

  • Free Online Books for K-8

    I found a tool for students to have an online library. Students can access free online books in seconds. They can benefit so many children in many areas worldwide. This online multi-language library will help them make progress.  I like that this tool has a “try before you Buy” option, which is excellent! Some parents would…

  • The World’s Largest Lesson

    Today I explored The World’s Largest Lesson website. This website was created to introduce students to Sustainable Development Goals so that they can contribute to helping the Earth, as well as the people who live on it. This website provides teachers with free resources as well as full lesson plans to teach students about issues…

  • Collaboration in the Classroom

    This article is about strategies to build student collaboration in the classroom. The article mentioned 10 different ways to build student collaboration in the classroom. Collaborative learning is when the students form small groups to discuss questions or work on projects together and learn from each other. Collaborative learning has become one of the best…

  • Collaboration


    As students in Middle school or even college you are expected to collaborate on projects, notes or even on classwork that is due at the end of the week. By collaboting with different people, you can get a better understanding of the materials that is covered in the lesson. You can do this by using…

  • Collaborate in Different Ways!

    Collaboration has always been a crucial component in the success of numerous industries and educational industries. With the development of technology, the potential for global collaboration has expended extensively, allowing an uprise of innovated ways for individuals to collaborate. In this post it is going to review popular platforms of collaboration and how they benefit…