Tag: #WebTools

  • VR vs. AR

    There are many different apps and programs that now incorporate VR and AR programs for example and many more as well AR and VR can really help advance a classroom, because of all the new technology that it is being created in today’s time. AR and VR can bring the classrooms together globally because you…

  • Virtual Reality in the Classroom

    Virtual reality is becoming more and more popular with the increasing development of technology. I remember when my brother got a virtual reality gaming set a few years ago. I tested it out and thought it was the coolest experience. You could go anywhere you want and do whatever you want depending on the game…

  • VR in the CR!

    Virtual reality (VR) has been gaining popularity in recent years as an innovative and engaging tool for teaching and learning. With the increasing accessibility of VR technology, it has become easier to incorporate it into classrooms, making education more interactive, immersive, and effective. That being said, it is time to explore the benefits of using…

  • VR, AR, and education

    There are so many ways to learn in new ways in today’s world As time goes on, the world continues to advance. Many years ago the way to learn was very limited. Some of these limitations included handwritten notes and having to go to the library to physically get information. While these are still strategies…

  • Future Classroom

    AS technology is advancing and students ar becoming more comfortable with the ways of technology, Teaching will become more virtually expanded. As I was looking through the website https://weschools.we.org/we-well-being, there were many things being offered. In my future classroom, technology will help students advance their learning, and communicate globally with other students across the world.…

  • WE.org and their Video Library

    In the age of digital technology, it is important for educators to embrace new methods of teaching and learning. It is difficult to do this when you are lacking the necessary resources. This is why We.org was designed to provide educators with said resources. One of the resources that We.org provides that I’d like to…

  • “WE Virtual Learning Center” is The Future!

    This week we were asked to explore the “WE Virtual Learning Center.” After signing up with my Stockton account, I began my exploration. I discovered that this website is a treasure trove of resources for educators. There are a variety of topics dealing with global issues available. The topics range from bullying and racism to…

  • Mental Well-Being in the Classroom: Curtesy to WE

    The WE Virtual Learning Center is a social and emotional learning website for teachers and students. WE provides positive youth development, programs offering support for teachers, and empowers young people to be their strongest selves: gaining the critical skills to be future-ready and compassionate citizens (WE). Importance of Monitoring Mental Health in the Classroom: increase…

  • WE Teachers Social and Emotional Learning Module

    Today I explored we.org and came across a module that discussed social and emotional learning. I know in my future classroom I want to focus on this topic every day. I want my children to grow both emotionally and academically in my classroom. This module provided me with lots of helpful ways to incorporate these…

  • JAWS

    Jaws is a screenreader that allows people with visual impairments. It gives them a better chance to learn the material in the classroom This is under Stockton Accessibility that’s available on Campus. Stockton offers much more of these accommodations, which is very beneficial for all college students. They also offer things like Sonocet and Zoomtext…

  • Accessing Accessibility in Your Classroom

    Education is a fundamental right of every individual, and every student deserves equal access to the tools and resources that enable them to learn effectively. Even in this day and age, students with accessibility needs face numerous challenges in accessing and comprehending the content presented to them. Fortunately, technology has made significant strides in recent…

  • Hyperdocs – A Replacement for Traditional Teaching

    A HyperDoc is an interactive Google Doc or Slide Deck that replaces traditional teaching. Instead of having the teacher talk to the whole class at once and expect them to have the same progress, HyperDoc gives students the opportunity to progress on their own, where each student can have their own phase of learning. HyperDoc…

  • Exploring a Filmmaking Hyperdoc

    As the digital age continues to evolve, education is also changing to keep up with the times. Hyperdocs are a relatively new teaching tool that many teachers are using to create interactive and engaging lessons for their students. Personally, I am a big film-buff. That is why, for this blog post, I will be exploring…

  • Making My Own HyperDocs

    A HyperDoc is a Google document/slide deck that is interactive. HyperDocs are the equivalent to hands-on assignments/lessons in the classroom but instead it is online.  When I first learned about HyperDocs, I thought the idea of it was really cool. It seemed very simple and easy but yet difficult at the same time. HyperDocs are…

  • Hyperdocs- Google Docs

    As a teacher do you think that the students aren’t involved enough during class? Well a Hyperdoc can help you with that. There are many different ways to make you class involved more especially with technology. The main one that I am going to focus on is google docs. Google docs is a very basic…

  • Hyperdocs

    This week, I learned all about hyperdocs. I have never used one before, but will definitely be implementing them in the future. Essentially, a hyperdoc is an interactive google doc or slides that students can follow along to complete the lesson. Instead of having a teacher list out each individual step, students can follow the…

  • Journey North

    Using the Journey North website, I was able to explore wildlife migration and animals and insects that experience seasonal change at home. There are several options for you to choose from, for example, if you are interested in birds you can choose Hummingbirds, American Robins, Orioles… And if you are interested in insects, you can…

  • Exploring the Mysteries of Easter Island

    14 tons. That is the weight of approximately two Tyrannosaurus Rex’s, or 8 normal sized cars. That is pretty heavy! Fourteen tons is also the approximate weight of just ONE out of the 1,043 heads on Easter Island (not to mention, one of the heads on the smaller side). This phenomenon has always intrigued me,…

  • FlipGrid

    FlipGrid is one of the most interactive ways to communicate in classroom settings. The chapter we read this week in the online textbook “Sail the 7 c’s With Microsoft Education” talks about the ways classrooms can communicate globally. FlipGrid was one of the ones that stood out to me because I am so familiar with…

  • Knocking Down the Barriers of Classroom Communication

    Many workplaces are run on the basis of communication. Whether it be in an office, a sports team, a classroom, etc. None of these settings can thrive without an established and effective communication system. Specifically in a classroom, it is important for the educator to be able to meet the needs of their students. Doing…

  • Communicating Through Minecraft in the Classroom

    Technology has provided so many different ways to promote inclusion in the classroom. While reading chapter 2 of Sail the 7 C’s with Microsoft Education, I came across the section where a teacher used Minecraft: Education Edition with a group of students who have difficulty communicating with one another. Before reading about this teacher’s experience,…