Tag: WebT23

  • Hyperdocs: How Can it Link to Google Maps?

    Using Hyperdocs and Google Maps can be used for a variety of lessons and gather students’ interests on a topic through technology. Depending on the subject, educators can modify their lesson plans to utilize Google Maps in a Hyperdoc. For example, history teachers can use the map to locate where specific historical events take place.…

  • Exploring a Filmmaking Hyperdoc

    As the digital age continues to evolve, education is also changing to keep up with the times. Hyperdocs are a relatively new teaching tool that many teachers are using to create interactive and engaging lessons for their students. Personally, I am a big film-buff. That is why, for this blog post, I will be exploring…

  • How HyperDocs Can Transform Your Teaching!

    After going down the “HyperDocs Rabbit Hole,” I discovered a new world of technology. I have never heard of HyperDocs. I am glad I was able to learn about them through this class. I researched some templates after watching the EdPuzzle video. I decided to create my own about the topic of Spring. Once finished,…

  • HyperDocs

    Easier than you think! HyperDocs is an interactive way for students more involved in technology and the advance in modern learning. Through the use of HyperDocs, teachers are able to discovered many different engaging activities for students while using technology to its potential! Some platforms in which HyperDoc is accessible include Google Docs, PowerPoint and…

  • Hyperdocs: What are they, and how do they help us?

    A HyperDoc is an interactive digital document that enables students to learn independently. To list a few things you can perform with HyperDoc in your future classrooms, many teachers utilize it for reading articles, watching movies, and completing quizzes or assignments. While they are typically made with Google Docs, Google Slides, Microsoft Word, or Powerpoint…

  • Making My Own HyperDocs

    A HyperDoc is a Google document/slide deck that is interactive. HyperDocs are the equivalent to hands-on assignments/lessons in the classroom but instead it is online.  When I first learned about HyperDocs, I thought the idea of it was really cool. It seemed very simple and easy but yet difficult at the same time. HyperDocs are…

  • Hyperdocs- Google Docs

    As a teacher do you think that the students aren’t involved enough during class? Well a Hyperdoc can help you with that. There are many different ways to make you class involved more especially with technology. The main one that I am going to focus on is google docs. Google docs is a very basic…

  • Journey North

    Journey North is a beautiful website that includes information on different plants and animals, current news about what is happening in nature, and maps of where to view certain animals. Their mission is to inspire people from across North America to help track wildlife migration and seasonal change to foster scientific understanding, environmental awareness, and…

  • Virtual Field Trips

    Virtual field trips have become a phenomenon amongst classrooms all over the world. Distance learning has become more common and developed over time. Through the use of technology being incorporated in the classroom, these advancements allow students to experience out of the classroom experiences, from inside the class. Through numerous sites and trips, there is…

  • Exploring the Mysteries of Easter Island

    14 tons. That is the weight of approximately two Tyrannosaurus Rex’s, or 8 normal sized cars. That is pretty heavy! Fourteen tons is also the approximate weight of just ONE out of the 1,043 heads on Easter Island (not to mention, one of the heads on the smaller side). This phenomenon has always intrigued me,…

  • The Secret Annex

    Anne Frank. A young Jewish girl who was alive during WWII. She and her family hid from the Nazis in an attic in Amsterdam, trying not to get caught and go into a concentration camp. After two years of hiding, she was discovered. After Annes passed in 1945, her father found a diary of hers.…

  • Visit 360 Cities From Your Laptop

    Visit 360cities.net here! What is 360Cities? 360Cities offers a wide selection of high-resolution interactive photos and videos throughout different cities around the world. You are able to position yourself anywhere in this setting by using the keypad arrows or mouse on your device. This can also be used as a tour guide for those looking…

  • FlipGrid

    FlipGrid is one of the most interactive ways to communicate in classroom settings. The chapter we read this week in the online textbook “Sail the 7 c’s With Microsoft Education” talks about the ways classrooms can communicate globally. FlipGrid was one of the ones that stood out to me because I am so familiar with…

  • Knocking Down the Barriers of Classroom Communication

    Many workplaces are run on the basis of communication. Whether it be in an office, a sports team, a classroom, etc. None of these settings can thrive without an established and effective communication system. Specifically in a classroom, it is important for the educator to be able to meet the needs of their students. Doing…

  • Microsoft Translator for Education

    This Microsoft Translation feature can eliminate language barriers. You can speak or type into your phone; the person on the receiving end gets your message, but it’s in their language. This kind of communication can connect people who never would have talked to each other. This tool can be a game changer for new students…

  • Empatico

    This is a free way to communicate globally with pen pals virtually, it focuses on ages 7-11 to spread kindness and empathy through collaboration. They offer many different programs and each program is customizable for every classroom. It can be customized with however the educator or student wants This website is all about how to…

  • Brightening the Classroom with Discovery Education

    Before we start, here is a quick video on what Discovery Education is and what they are about! Field trips have been a staple of the educational experience for grade school students, providing a hands-on learning experience that is difficult to replicate in the classroom. However, traditional field trips can be expensive, time-consuming, and logistically…

  • World Food Program USA

    The World Food Program is an amazing website that not only informs people about the war against hunger, but also creates a fun way for people to donate rice for free. Their mission is to inspire and mobilize people in the United States to support the mission of the U.N. World Food Program to end…

  • Learning For Justice!

    The tool I chose for my blog is, Learning For Justice. There are a few reasons that I chose this tool. For starters, I chose this tool because I have prior experience with this tool. I have used it in activities in my preschool classroom about social awareness and social justice. The other reason I…

  • International Children’s Digital Library

    The International Children’s Digital Library (ICDL) Foundation is targeted for students K-8. The main purpose of this website is to provide free books for students all around the world. Their mission is to support children in becoming members of society. They also want students to learn about and to respect diverse cultures, languages, and ideas.…

  • Why Belouga is an Important Tool for your Educator Toolbox!

    If you plan on teaching Global Goals in your classroom, Belouga is a collaborative series exploring global goals’ importance. Through community and classroom connection, communication, and collaboration, Belouga’s mission is to make education meaningful and accessible on a global scale. Belouga provides teachers and students with a personalized learning experience through community and content without having…