Tag: #virtuallearning

  • Exploring the Mysteries of Easter Island

    14 tons. That is the weight of approximately two Tyrannosaurus Rex’s, or 8 normal sized cars. That is pretty heavy! Fourteen tons is also the approximate weight of just ONE out of the 1,043 heads on Easter Island (not to mention, one of the heads on the smaller side). This phenomenon has always intrigued me,…

  • The Secret Annex

    Anne Frank. A young Jewish girl who was alive during WWII. She and her family hid from the Nazis in an attic in Amsterdam, trying not to get caught and go into a concentration camp. After two years of hiding, she was discovered. After Annes passed in 1945, her father found a diary of hers.…

  • Take A Trip To Neave Planetarium!

    Did you ever want to learn about outer space, stars, constellations and many more? If so then Neave Planetarium is one of the best things you can visit! I have always liked the stars since I was younger. I loved to look up at night and see how many stars would be out at night.…

  • Virtual Field Trip to the Neave Planetarium

    My absolute favorite field trip in elementary school was the planetarium. I was so glad to hear that stellarium-web.org gives all students the chance to get this experience. The website allows students to learn all about the night sky including planets, constellations, and satellites that travel through space. The entire website was extremely interactive. I…

  • Empatico

    This is a free way to communicate globally with pen pals virtually, it focuses on ages 7-11 to spread kindness and empathy through collaboration. They offer many different programs and each program is customizable for every classroom. It can be customized with however the educator or student wants This website is all about how to…

  • Brightening the Classroom with Discovery Education

    Before we start, here is a quick video on what Discovery Education is and what they are about! Field trips have been a staple of the educational experience for grade school students, providing a hands-on learning experience that is difficult to replicate in the classroom. However, traditional field trips can be expensive, time-consuming, and logistically…

  • United States Institute of Peace: Resolving Conflict Peacefully

    The United States Institute of Peace is a benevolent organization whose sole mission is one that many great leaders have had in mind for humanity. These great leaders had in mind that one day we would live in a world without violence and conflict. You might ask yourself “How can one organization take on such…

  • Collaboration


    As students in Middle school or even college you are expected to collaborate on projects, notes or even on classwork that is due at the end of the week. By collaboting with different people, you can get a better understanding of the materials that is covered in the lesson. You can do this by using…

  • Collaborate in Different Ways!

    Collaboration has always been a crucial component in the success of numerous industries and educational industries. With the development of technology, the potential for global collaboration has expended extensively, allowing an uprise of innovated ways for individuals to collaborate. In this post it is going to review popular platforms of collaboration and how they benefit…

  • All About Innovative Educational Technology

    The article Microsoft Innovative Education: The Benefits talks about all of the opportunities that educational technologies can bring. initial response I found it intriguing that it talked about the drawbacks and the positives of the “MIE” which stands for Microsoft Innovative Education Programme. This Programme recognizes global educators who use technology to teach not only…

  • Microsoft Learn Career Connected: your professional journey

    At the latest Microsoft Ignite conference with developers and IT professionals, a new employability program has been released of late 2022. The related tweet from #MSUEduCentral brings to light this latest from Microsoft This program gives the assurance for those unsure whether they have the right background and skills to be employable adding to their…

  • How has Zoom changed our lives?

    In %20 In%20this article, Alison Rayome discusses how zoom made our lives much more accessible in 2020. We all know that when the pandemic hit, our whole world turned upside down and went from being in person every day to jumping on zoom with a dress shirt and sweatpants. Almost everyone was affected this way and…

  • Edtech, Connecting Students One Tool at a Time

    January 25, 2023 / Leave a Comment For this blog post I will be emphasizing on positive and negative ways that technology has improved the communication and connection of students across the globe. With all the technology that is mentioned in the article and video below it gives so many opportunities for students all around…

  • Schools in Maryland begin to focus on technology usage after the pandemic

    The Covid-19 pandemic pushed schools to enhance their everyday technology. While scrolling through Twitter, I came across a tweet from @EDTech_K12 with an article attached from EdTech’s website. Andrew Zuckerman, an administrator, took on the role of being in charge of the schools’ technology. What Did Andrew Zuckerman do? Because of the pandemic, Zuckerman made…