Tag: technology integration

  • Combatting ChatGPT and the AI Panic

    For years now, education has evolved symbiotically with the advancements of technology. However, with recent technological developments, the phenomenon of artificial intelligence has shaken the education world, spear-headed by a site called ChatGPT. What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence Chatbot run by a company called OpenAI. The website allows one to prompt the Chatbot…

  • Blockchain Technology Post

    With the increasing demand for online education, more and more information needs to be transferred through the internet. In order to keep the information and data safe, the information transfer will need something to protect it. With Blockchain, you can keep the data sent from students and teachers safe from prying eyes.

  • Using Technology to Check on Students’ Mental Health

    In this article about implementing the use of technology in the classroom in new ways, Shea Smith, a middle school media teacher uses technology to check in with his students emotional well-beings. At the beginning of class he asks the students to fill out a google form that asks the question; “how are you feeling…

  • Chat GPT in Education

    This article was posted by @AyahmFayyoumi on Dr. Ayham Fayyoumi’s Twitter account highlighting the features and considerable topics of mention from the latest educational technology tool that has taken the world of education by storm. Chat GPT is an incredibly smart AI web-based program that can generate a multitude of functions from writing essays, answering…