Tag: technology integration

  • Merge Cube

    Using augmented reality (AR) in the classroom can enhance learning by assisting teachers in setting up engaging, interactive learning environments. Businesses can improve inefficiencies and solve problems by integrating AR components into routine work procedures (Maryville U). What is Merge Cube? Students can use the cube in conjunction with the Merge Explorer, Object Viewer, or…

  • VR in the CR!

    Virtual reality (VR) has been gaining popularity in recent years as an innovative and engaging tool for teaching and learning. With the increasing accessibility of VR technology, it has become easier to incorporate it into classrooms, making education more interactive, immersive, and effective. That being said, it is time to explore the benefits of using…

  • VR, AR, and education

    There are so many ways to learn in new ways in today’s world As time goes on, the world continues to advance. Many years ago the way to learn was very limited. Some of these limitations included handwritten notes and having to go to the library to physically get information. While these are still strategies…

  • Future Classroom

    AS technology is advancing and students ar becoming more comfortable with the ways of technology, Teaching will become more virtually expanded. As I was looking through the website https://weschools.we.org/we-well-being, there were many things being offered. In my future classroom, technology will help students advance their learning, and communicate globally with other students across the world.…

  • WE.org and their Video Library

    In the age of digital technology, it is important for educators to embrace new methods of teaching and learning. It is difficult to do this when you are lacking the necessary resources. This is why We.org was designed to provide educators with said resources. One of the resources that We.org provides that I’d like to…

  • JAWS

    Jaws is a screenreader that allows people with visual impairments. It gives them a better chance to learn the material in the classroom This is under Stockton Accessibility that’s available on Campus. Stockton offers much more of these accommodations, which is very beneficial for all college students. They also offer things like Sonocet and Zoomtext…

  • Accessing Accessibility in Your Classroom

    Education is a fundamental right of every individual, and every student deserves equal access to the tools and resources that enable them to learn effectively. Even in this day and age, students with accessibility needs face numerous challenges in accessing and comprehending the content presented to them. Fortunately, technology has made significant strides in recent…

  • Different Accessibility Tools For Students

    Many accessibility tools can enhance students learning in so many different ways. These applications help teachers enhance school learning and prepare their students for success. Giving students various tools will help them with their school work and make school easier for those who struggle. This will make the climate in your classroom unforgettable. No student…

  • Helpful Accessible Tools For Learning

    With the world advancing every second, many inventions were introduced as a result. Some of these inventions include accessibility tools that help in the classroom. Here are a few accessibility tools that will help in your classrooms today! Rocketbook Beacons: This software is designed to make the classroom a lot easier for everyone. The only…

  • Hyperdocs: What are they, and how do they help us?

    A HyperDoc is an interactive digital document that enables students to learn independently. To list a few things you can perform with HyperDoc in your future classrooms, many teachers utilize it for reading articles, watching movies, and completing quizzes or assignments. While they are typically made with Google Docs, Google Slides, Microsoft Word, or Powerpoint…

  • Take A Trip To Neave Planetarium!

    Did you ever want to learn about outer space, stars, constellations and many more? If so then Neave Planetarium is one of the best things you can visit! I have always liked the stars since I was younger. I loved to look up at night and see how many stars would be out at night.…

  • Knocking Down the Barriers of Classroom Communication

    Many workplaces are run on the basis of communication. Whether it be in an office, a sports team, a classroom, etc. None of these settings can thrive without an established and effective communication system. Specifically in a classroom, it is important for the educator to be able to meet the needs of their students. Doing…

  • Presenter Coach

    Microsoft has created an elaborate AI-based tool to improve presentations and presentation skills in PowerPoint. With a collection of evaluation features ranging from presentation content to tone of voice, Presenter Coach holds massive opportunities for growth and development. Some, like myself, may be thinking, “If only this tool had existed in the past!”. Reflecting back…

  • Empatico

    This is a free way to communicate globally with pen pals virtually, it focuses on ages 7-11 to spread kindness and empathy through collaboration. They offer many different programs and each program is customizable for every classroom. It can be customized with however the educator or student wants This website is all about how to…

  • Brightening the Classroom with Discovery Education

    Before we start, here is a quick video on what Discovery Education is and what they are about! Field trips have been a staple of the educational experience for grade school students, providing a hands-on learning experience that is difficult to replicate in the classroom. However, traditional field trips can be expensive, time-consuming, and logistically…

  • All About Innovative Educational Technology

    The article Microsoft Innovative Education: The Benefits talks about all of the opportunities that educational technologies can bring. initial response I found it intriguing that it talked about the drawbacks and the positives of the “MIE” which stands for Microsoft Innovative Education Programme. This Programme recognizes global educators who use technology to teach not only…

  • How has Zoom changed our lives?

    In %20 In%20this article, Alison Rayome discusses how zoom made our lives much more accessible in 2020. We all know that when the pandemic hit, our whole world turned upside down and went from being in person every day to jumping on zoom with a dress shirt and sweatpants. Almost everyone was affected this way and…

  • Educational Technology Blog

    Educational Technology Blog

    I am writing about educational technology in response to the article, Barriers and Facilitators to Racial Equity in K-12 Education, other resources are provided within this article. The article explains the difference when harm is involved with minority students and then when there’re barriers away from harm to minority students. Many schools that are underfunded…

  • All About Educational Technology

    This article talks about how diverse educational technology can actually be. There are three key elements to successful educational technology internationally administrative commitment community support appropriate resourcing Administrative commitment They develop and clear vision that is easily understood by everyone. Having engaged leadership in the administrative atmosphere can go a long way when it comes…

  • Technology In Education

    In Modern Times, technology appears to be everywhere in our education systems. Public school systems are now said to be spending $3 billion a year on digital content and supplies. Despite the new technology advances and lesson content, some teachers are still slowly adjusting to these changes in their classrooms. With technology already being so…

  • Integrating Technology to Utilize District Provided Tools

    You can find the full article here. Why is this important? Immersive Learning Increased Engagement Accessible Long-Distance Learning Students prefer to use technology rather than a textbook Students have the opportunity to personalize their education Technology can become the “wings” that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before— if…