Tag: #Microsoftteams

  • Collaborate in Different Ways!

    Collaboration has always been a crucial component in the success of numerous industries and educational industries. With the development of technology, the potential for global collaboration has expended extensively, allowing an uprise of innovated ways for individuals to collaborate. In this post it is going to review popular platforms of collaboration and how they benefit…

  • Collaboration Using OneNote

    Microsoft OneNote has optimized collaboration across all boards, especially education. OneNote is an effective tool that can be utilized by educators, school administration, students, as well as parents or guardians. This blog post will cover the key features of this web tool and highlight ways this web tool can be implemented throughout the spheres of…

  • Collaboration Has Changed

    The way collaboration was viewed twenty years ago has completely changed today. Collaboration is the best it can be with new ways to collaborate. What comes into your mind when you think of the word collaboration? Many people may have different responses from one another but the main focus will always include a group of…

  • Collaborative Annotation in Microsoft Teams

    Microsoft Teams is a growing platform where students of all ages can collaborate with each other to work on group projects or interact with their teacher. I have never been very familiar with the platform until recently, so I am new to most of its features. While scrolling through Twitter, I came across a post…