Tag: #communication

  • Communication-The Spectrum of Abled and Disabled

     We have always heard the phrase “Out with the old, in with the new!” but can we say that when it comes to schooling? After reading Chapter 2 of Sail the 7C’s with Microsoft Education I can say this has come to fruition! This chapter focuses its emphasis on communication technology integrated into the educational…

  • Communicating using Sway

    Microsoft Sway is a story telling application/program created by Microsoft that presents ideas on screen in an interactive and intuitive way. Sway allows individuals and families working with students to create a digital interactive history, moving forward and back in the dynamic presentation at their own pace selecting what video to play while looking at…

  • Communication Has Improved In Various Ways!

    Technology has improved communication and brought new forms of communication! Communication is key in everyday life. It’s a skill that is needed to be learned by everyone. It is most effective when it is learned by someone at a young age because they have more time to experience it. Technology has brought a new experience…