Category: Uncategorized

  • The World’s Largest Lesson

    Today I explored The World’s Largest Lesson website. This website was created to introduce students to Sustainable Development Goals so that they can contribute to helping the Earth, as well as the people who live on it. This website provides teachers with free resources as well as full lesson plans to teach students about issues…

  • World’s Largest Lesson; A Tool For Educators To Teach Global Goals

    “World’s Largest Lesson promotes use of the Sustainable Development Goals in learning so that children can contribute to a better future for all.” (world’ This website partnered up with “Unicef For Every Child” with thanks to “Unesco”. What are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals? no poverty zero hunger good health and well being quality education…

  • The Incorporation of a Classroom Tool and Its Importance

    I came across a game that I think I would like to use in my future classroom. The game is called Global Kids. I am studying to be an elementary school teacher and I think this game can provide a lot of educational opportunities as well as allowing the students to have fun.  I chose…

  • Collaboration in the Classroom

    Nicole Ippolito In todays blog, I will be focusing on expanding the use of collaboration in the classroom based on the article I found. The Graduate School of Education and Human Development states, “with the growth of technology and the increasing value society places on the ability to work in teams, collaborative learning has become…

  • Collaboration in Classrooms

    By Camille De La Torre Collaboration is being used in classrooms across the world. There are many benefits to adding collaboration into the classroom. In an article I found by Veronica Buckler, she states some of the benefits of collaboration in project based learning. Some of the benefits she listed where: Learning how to listen…

  • Collaboration in the Classroom

    By Matthew Ernst Collaborative learning and thinking can benefit almost everyone in a classroom. The skills that students gain are so important for their development and for getting them ready for the real world. You can foster these skills in your classroom by assigning more group assignments, where each member of a team is to…

  • Creating Crucial Collaboration in the Classroom

    As educators, it is important to create an engaging and productive learning environment for the students in the our classrooms. The easiest way to do so is by promoting collaboration. Collaboration helps students develop vital skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving. All of which are crucial for academic success, as well as positive…

  • The benefits of Google Docs in the classroom

    I recently read an article on the benefits of using Google Docs and the Google Drive platform for teachers. While much of the focus in the collaborative education world is filled with the new innovations made by Microsoft and the One Drive system, sometimes the original can be even better. Originally launching in 2006, Google…

  • Collaboration in the Classroom

    This article is about strategies to build student collaboration in the classroom. The article mentioned 10 different ways to build student collaboration in the classroom. Collaborative learning is when the students form small groups to discuss questions or work on projects together and learn from each other. Collaborative learning has become one of the best…

  • Collaborative Learning During the Pandemic

    When we first went on lockdown, nobody was sure of the implications it would have on schooling and student/teacher communication. This article on collaborative learning on the pandemic explores how teachers and students have made leaps and bounds in just how far we can push the use of helpful technology in the classroom (or at…

  • Collaboration In Learning

    An Article recently described collaborative learning as “the educational approach of using groups to enhance learning through working together. Groups of two or more learners work together to solve problems, complete tasks, or learn new concepts.” Collaborative learning is a great approach to connect different ideas and perspectives in the cassroom amongst students. Using a…

  • Microsoft Learn!

    I found an article that discusses the next innovation from Microsoft to help promote collaboration and to benefit learners of different skills. This article introduces readers to Microsoft Learn, a new platform that allows learners to begin at their own skill level in their field of choice while allowing access to collaborate with other members…

  • Collaboration


    As students in Middle school or even college you are expected to collaborate on projects, notes or even on classwork that is due at the end of the week. By collaboting with different people, you can get a better understanding of the materials that is covered in the lesson. You can do this by using…

  • Collaborate in Different Ways!

    Collaboration has always been a crucial component in the success of numerous industries and educational industries. With the development of technology, the potential for global collaboration has expended extensively, allowing an uprise of innovated ways for individuals to collaborate. In this post it is going to review popular platforms of collaboration and how they benefit…

  • All About Innovative Educational Technology

    The article Microsoft Innovative Education: The Benefits talks about all of the opportunities that educational technologies can bring. initial response I found it intriguing that it talked about the drawbacks and the positives of the “MIE” which stands for Microsoft Innovative Education Programme. This Programme recognizes global educators who use technology to teach not only…

  • Benefits of Collaboration

    By Andrew Simoes Collaboration is one of the most important tools that we have as Educators It has proven Benefits for both teachers. The first of many Benefits of Collaboration is that collaboration can lead to new and exciting ideas. When we collaborate, we open our ide to the opinion of others, and we allow…

  • Collaboration In The Classroom

    In this article it talks about the benefits of having students collaborate with each other. The article mentions how there are many different ways to collaborate. You can collaborate one on one, or in larger groups. When collaborating, students are usually working together in order to find a solution to solve a problem. Students are…

  • Collaboration is Buidling Education

    In this article it says, “work together to innovate, implement, and scale new strategies and tools that help our students succeed, so that our districts are improved to meet the challenges of the 21st century.” To further the education for all, we must collaborate and work together to all succeed in our lifetime goals. Those…

  • Microsoft Learn Career Connected: your professional journey

    At the latest Microsoft Ignite conference with developers and IT professionals, a new employability program has been released of late 2022. The related tweet from #MSUEduCentral brings to light this latest from Microsoft This program gives the assurance for those unsure whether they have the right background and skills to be employable adding to their…

  • Blended Learning

    After scrolling on Twitter using the #MSFTEduChat, I found a woman named Nathalie, an English Teacher in France. She posted this photo about “blended learning.” What exactly is “Blended Learning”? Blended Learning is a method of teaching involving traditional in-person classrooms and Online Learning. Having the combination of both allows the students to customize their learning experiences.…

  • Collaboration Using OneNote

    Microsoft OneNote has optimized collaboration across all boards, especially education. OneNote is an effective tool that can be utilized by educators, school administration, students, as well as parents or guardians. This blog post will cover the key features of this web tool and highlight ways this web tool can be implemented throughout the spheres of…