Category: Uncategorized

  • VR, AR, and education

    There are so many ways to learn in new ways in today’s world As time goes on, the world continues to advance. Many years ago the way to learn was very limited. Some of these limitations included handwritten notes and having to go to the library to physically get information. While these are still strategies…

  • WE Teachers has numerous resources that are immensely helpful to teachers within their current and future classrooms. When going through the website, I went to the We Teachers Modules section which is a section dedicated to providing teachers with modules and courses across a wide range of subjects. The modules are focused on common issues and…

  • Narrator AR

    Augmented reality is going to be the future of our education. Narrator Ar is a fantastic resource for students who are learning to write. The website provides activity sheets for students to fill out that they then animate through the application. This causes students to want to make their handwriting or spelling as perfect as…

  • Future Classroom

    AS technology is advancing and students ar becoming more comfortable with the ways of technology, Teaching will become more virtually expanded. As I was looking through the website, there were many things being offered. In my future classroom, technology will help students advance their learning, and communicate globally with other students across the world.…

  • WE teachers: Mental well being in the classroom

    Nicole Ippolito, 2023 WE teachers is a free resource for all teacher’s across America. This website gives them access to review modules that train to support them in addressing critical social issues with their student’s. This specific module I chose to blog about today was Mental Well Being in the Classroom. I chose this topic…

  • WE Teachers: Trauma Informed Practice

    The WE Teachers learning center provides teachers and future educators with the tools and lessons they can utilize to prepare themselves in certain areas. WE Teachers is a free, no-cost software that prepares modules for teachers to connect and strengthen their students and classrooms! Through WE Teachers, educators can connect with other educators, as well…

  • WE Virtual Learning Center

    While I explored the WE Virtual Learning Center website, I found some great tools that I can use in my future classroom. One tool that I discovered is the Thrively platform for both students and teachers. This platform is more than what is going on in the classroom, it takes the students’s challenges to a…

  • WE Embrace Anti-Racism

    I explored WE’s website and found their We Embrace Anti-Racism resource. It is a campaign to tackle on racism and is split into three sections: Teaching children the history and significance of racism will create a stronger and better world for our future generation. Children often hear what their guardians and other figures in their…

  • and their Video Library

    In the age of digital technology, it is important for educators to embrace new methods of teaching and learning. It is difficult to do this when you are lacking the necessary resources. This is why was designed to provide educators with said resources. One of the resources that provides that I’d like to…

  • The WE Virtual Learning Center

    The WE Virtual learning center is a website and community that has offers resources for students, teachers, and schools to better facilitate virtual learning. With such resources as trauma informed practicing, school service learning, and mental health and well being there is a plethora of content. Of the many resources I decided to take a…

  • Classroom Change

    In my future classroom I’d want all my students to be engaged in activities and group talks. The problem with today’s works is that only electronics are used. Students have excessive amounts of screen time, along with not paying attention in class because they are looking at a screen. My future classroom would eliminate all…

  • Change Makers- Mental Well-being in the Classroom

    By Andrew Simoes Mental health and well-being, In part thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, have become a bigger and bigger problem in our classrooms. Students with reported mental health issues are skyrocketing and only sadly getting worse. So This raises the question of what we can do as a teacher to help try and fix…

  • “WE Virtual Learning Center” is The Future!

    This week we were asked to explore the “WE Virtual Learning Center.” After signing up with my Stockton account, I began my exploration. I discovered that this website is a treasure trove of resources for educators. There are a variety of topics dealing with global issues available. The topics range from bullying and racism to…

  • WE Trauma- Informed Practice

    The WE Teachers project helps teachers develop their abilities and give students more control over their education. The project creates connections with a group of educators who have similar objectives without charging any fees. It gives users access to training opportunities, professional development opportunities, and plenty of resources that help educators promote active and engaged…

  • WE Teachers

    This week, I looked into WE Teachers. A website made for teachers to help them in their classroom. While looking into the website, I found a module based on Social and Emotional Learning. I plan of making Social and Emotional Learning a focus in my classroom due to mental health becoming a more common thing…

  • Change Makers-Anti-Racism

    Racism and our active involvement has been a battle to fight for in the education system. Critical Race Theory has been shunned in an attempt to cancel the conversation through the color-blind protocol. The adage “I do not see color” is often used to support the colorblind procedure. This well-intentioned statement in most cases is…

  • Supporting Indigenous Youth through WE

    While looking through the WE virtual learning center, I found a learning resource that provides educators with a model of how to go about the complexities and trauma indigenous youth face, and how to make educators more aware of these issues and how to work through them. This learning module from WE is called “WE…

  • WE Teachers Mental Well-being Module

    WE Teachers is a free program that gives teachers many different resources and tools to support their student’s well-being. This PDF document guides creating a safe and supportive classroom environment with a positive mindset. It includes tips for.. Building positive relationships with students Creating a sense of belonging Using positive reinforcement to promote good behavior Along with…

  • Mental Well-Being in the Classroom: Curtesy to WE

    The WE Virtual Learning Center is a social and emotional learning website for teachers and students. WE provides positive youth development, programs offering support for teachers, and empowers young people to be their strongest selves: gaining the critical skills to be future-ready and compassionate citizens (WE). Importance of Monitoring Mental Health in the Classroom: increase…

  • WE Teachers Mental Well-Being Module WE Teachers is a free program that supports educators around the country by giving them training and materials to help them talk to their students about important social concerns. It helps kids develop into active, involved citizens and makes sure that instructors have access to the resources they need to thrive in the classroom,…

  • Accessibility Tools in Education

    The purpose of accessibility tools in education is essential to help all students learn and reach their full potential even when faced with various challenges such as visual impairments or reading disabilities. As education moves into the online space and the world becomes more and more reliant on technology, technology must be also made accessible…