Category: Uncategorized

  • Collaboration is Key in Education

    In the article I found in Edtech magazine by Jacob Kolber, I read that since the pandemic and students having to deal with remote learning, there has been more of a collaborative approach in education. This collaborative approach is the complete opposite way education was endured before Covid-19. Students are more involved with the teaching…

  • Student Collaboration Activity

    It is important to educate your students on various collaboration skills as they will need them in the future. Ice-breaker activities are a perfect opportunity for the class to get to know one another. This will improve their group work, and social skills as well as create friendships. Design your own virtual locker @FHSComputing on…

  • Twitter is Reinventing Collaboration Among Educators

    Twitter has created opportunities for educators to collaborate with colleagues outside of the work place. Many educators praise Twitter for being an effective way to collaborate with colleagues in a professional manner. It is also a way for educators to be introduced to people with similar interests nationwide. Some specific ways educators use Twitter effectively…

  • Collaboration Has Changed

    The way collaboration was viewed twenty years ago has completely changed today. Collaboration is the best it can be with new ways to collaborate. What comes into your mind when you think of the word collaboration? Many people may have different responses from one another but the main focus will always include a group of…

  • Using Flipgrid to Foster Collaboration

    FlipGrid is a video based tool used in classrooms that allows students to post videos and responses “expressing themselves creatively and sharing ideas with one another” as explained by Caylie Gaccione in her post. FlipGrid is a great collaboration tool that is free online and connects people from all over. Educators can use this…

  • How has Zoom changed our lives?

    In %20 In%20this article, Alison Rayome discusses how zoom made our lives much more accessible in 2020. We all know that when the pandemic hit, our whole world turned upside down and went from being in person every day to jumping on zoom with a dress shirt and sweatpants. Almost everyone was affected this way and…

  • Kahoot!; an Educationally Fun Game Promoting Collaboration

    When entering their website the following information is provided: “Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share and play learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes. Unleash the fun in classrooms, offices and living rooms!”. Kahoot! allows its users to create, play, and share games. These games can consist of…

  • Collaborative Annotation in Microsoft Teams

    Microsoft Teams is a growing platform where students of all ages can collaborate with each other to work on group projects or interact with their teacher. I have never been very familiar with the platform until recently, so I am new to most of its features. While scrolling through Twitter, I came across a post…

  • Consensus in Meetings

    How Consensus is important when it comes to giving everyone an equal shot at having a say in something regardless of the scenario. Making sure the best outcome is voted for but in the fairest way. Majority Voting Consensus Proposal must serve the needs of 51% Proposal must serve the needs of all Stifles minority voices and…

  • Educational Technology Blog

    Educational Technology Blog

    I am writing about educational technology in response to the article, Barriers and Facilitators to Racial Equity in K-12 Education, other resources are provided within this article. The article explains the difference when harm is involved with minority students and then when there’re barriers away from harm to minority students. Many schools that are underfunded…

  • Technology in Education: An Overview

    By: Nicole Ippolito I will write about using technology in education, based on the article I found. Technology has had a huge impact on education. In public schools, there is one computer distributed for every five students, resulting in the schools paying over $3 billion a year on digital content. In many schools, students are…

  • Ways that Parents and Teachers can use technology as an effective tool

    As we have entered and stepped into the next generation of technological integration in almost every aspect of our life, the classroom is no different. With a multitude of services at the disposal of students and teachers alike, this revolution is one to be taken advantage of and wielded to enhance the learning experience. Derived…

  • The Rise Of Educational Games

    By Andrew Simoes There are many different tools at the disposal of an educator that can be used to enhance the Education of their Students. Educational Games is one of those tools that we are starting to see an increase in use. According to a study by NPD, 91% of U.S. children from the ages…

  • Engage In Global Education With Empatico: collaborating globally

    Empatico is a free platform that can help develop your students social-emotional learning in a way that would have been inaccessible for teachers in recent times. Empatico allows for engagement with students in classrooms from across the world. I think this is useful as an educational technology resource because of how often students and everyday…

  • All About Educational Technology

    This article talks about how diverse educational technology can actually be. There are three key elements to successful educational technology internationally administrative commitment community support appropriate resourcing Administrative commitment They develop and clear vision that is easily understood by everyone. Having engaged leadership in the administrative atmosphere can go a long way when it comes…

  • Technology In Education

    In Modern Times, technology appears to be everywhere in our education systems. Public school systems are now said to be spending $3 billion a year on digital content and supplies. Despite the new technology advances and lesson content, some teachers are still slowly adjusting to these changes in their classrooms. With technology already being so…

  • Using edtools to stay connected in schools

    Culture across the world is very diverse. With many questions amongst schools on other cultures, there are multiple ways to stay connected. I found an article on twitter by @MindShiftKQED about how students can use edtools and technology to stay connected with other students. There are many benefits to staying connected with others outside of…

  • Integrating Technology to Utilize District Provided Tools

    You can find the full article here. Why is this important? Immersive Learning Increased Engagement Accessible Long-Distance Learning Students prefer to use technology rather than a textbook Students have the opportunity to personalize their education Technology can become the “wings” that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before— if…

  • Combatting ChatGPT and the AI Panic

    For years now, education has evolved symbiotically with the advancements of technology. However, with recent technological developments, the phenomenon of artificial intelligence has shaken the education world, spear-headed by a site called ChatGPT. What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence Chatbot run by a company called OpenAI. The website allows one to prompt the Chatbot…

  • Technology and COVID

    In ‘Boosting Attainment with Tech‘, Al Kingsley discusses multiple examples of how technology has changed many lives over the course of COVID-19. Whether it be students waking up for zoom class or future job requirements, almost all walks of life were impacted when society had to restructure itself to remain productive while staying safe. “Digital…

  • Educational Technology-ChatGPT

    The New York Times has shared an article named Lesson Plan: Teaching and Learning in the Era of ChatGPT . In this article author Katherine Schulten goes over what ChatGPT is and how schools are reacting to it. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence that many schools are starting to ban the use of for their…