
HyperDocs is an engaging and interactive digital platform that creates lessons and learning activities formed by teachers and then given to the students to interact with. HyperDocs allow the students to do independent learning while still completing tasks at hand that are planned out by teachers. HyperDocs serves a variety of tasks and ways to utilize the platform. Some of these include creating activities, tests and exams, reading assignments, as well as video assignments. HyperDocs typically works side by side with Google Docs, you can also pair it with Microsoft, Apple, and more. The best part about utilizing HyperDocs is the variety of options you have to experiment with.

HyperDocs serve many benefits in the classroom, as technology has become more and more advanced in modern learning. Through the use of HyperDocs, I discovered many different engaging activities that are being utilized in the classroom. Some of these include whole class Google Docs, Padlets, and even incorporating Google Maps into lessons. HyperDocs carefully emphasizes the critical thinking of students. As well as creativity and collaboration skills.

HyperDocs is also a great source to use templates needed for lesson plans. The best part is that these templates are all created by other teachers and educators! The HyperDocs Website itself is extremely convenient and easy to navigate. Once you reach the “Get Started” page, there are templates designed and organized by subjects, as well as grade level and and other areas. This makes these templates easy to find and individualize. Many educators all over the world are using HyperDocs as a resource to provide lesson plans and documents for their students.

Despite HyperDocs being extremely sufficient and helpful to use, it is all about creative thinking and learning skills being incorporated into the classroom. This platform allows learning to be individualized to students, while maintaining a great pace for independent learning. Through HyperDocs, students can engage and collaborate with not only the teachers, but their peers! This makes learning fun, while still providing students with all the resources and assistance they need throughout their learning journey! Attached Below is a video explaining in great detail the secrets and hints to using Hyperdocs. This way everyone can be involved and learn the HyperDocs way!

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