
A HyperDoc is an interactive tool that makes the students more in charge of their learning. This way of teaching makes students more engaged with their learning. It also encourages collaboration and the use of technology in the classroom. HyperDocs can take learning to the next level!

An example of a HyperDoc that is used in the classroom is a google doc or slideshow. Teachers use slideshows in the classroom in order to give the students a learning visual. Within these google slides or docs, teachers can embed links in order to take the students to another website to learn more about a topic. Having these links encourage students to stay more focused, and to be more hands-on with their learning.

Another form of HyperDocs that teachers use is edpuzzle. Edpuzzle gives students a video to watch with questions embed into the video. This way students will be actively listening and watching the video. This tool is also a great way to test a students understanding on a certain topic. Edpuzzle grades the students as they go. Therefore this tool is a great way for students to get immediate feedback on their learning.

Hyperdocs is a new form of teaching that benefits both the teacher and the students. Having this option for students is a great way to improve their learning and understanding on many topics.

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