Italy Guides: Rome

By Andrew Simoes

Have You ever wanted to visit some of the greatest cities in Italy? But you don’t have the time or the money to afroed the trip. With Italy Guides, you can now see the greatest sites in Italy, all from the comfort of your home. While you can “visit” almost every major city in Italy for this Blog, we are going to focus on Rome.

How to use Italy Guides

To Use Italy Guides is very simple all you have to do is the following.

  • Go to Italy guides website at the following Link:
  • Then simply click on the city you want to explore
  • Once you pick that city, you then pick a site you want to see in that city, and then you begin exploring!!
List of all the sites to see in Rome!

Italy Guides gives you a detailed virtual tour of all of the great sites of Rome with easy-to-use tools. All you have to do is follow the on-screen instructions once you pick a site you want to explore.

You will be able to see all of the great sites of Rome right from the comfort of your home.

Programs like Italy guides have only grown in popularity due to COVID and rising prices worldwide, but with a program like this, you can now see the world without having to leave your home.

One response to “Italy Guides: Rome”

  1. Hello! I really enjoyed reading this post! Being that Italy and Rome are major tourist sights, it is really great that people can do it all from their own home and still see everythinh! I have always wanted to visit Rome, and this was a great way for me to experience all the sight seeing and popular attractions from a virtual point of view. I think many others would love and benefit from this sight too!

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