Communication in Education

Communication is such a core component of education. An educator might have all the right resources and tools to be able to pass on lessons to their students. However, without the right communication strategy and tools, the intended message may not reach the students. The chapter on Communicators provides numerous situations and testimonials on when the right communication tools were able to enhance the learning and collaboration process for students.

The key takeaway from the chapter that I was able to capture is that the right communication tool for a situation can significantly enhance the learning process for students and teachers. For instance, an educator could have the right message that they would like their students to understand and implement. However, without the right tools, the students may be unable to connect and understand the lesson the educator is trying to pass. Such instances are common even when considering communication with teachers. It is also necessary for teachers to effectively communicate to share ideas and concepts. Good communication is a concept that applies to every person and in every situation.

Technology now offers significant convenience and flexibility for effective communication between parents, teachers, and students. Communication tools have been developed that provide educators, parents, and students with the opportunity to communicate beyond the limitations of time and space. It is now possible for educators to communicate with their intended audience without having to plan and coordinate physical meetings or limiting their communication to classroom hours. As such, technology should be integrated into the education system and classroom environment to enhance the education process.

Specific tools that I find particularly beneficial to enhancing communication within the classroom include:

  1. Sway– Sway is a relatively easy-to-use digital storytelling tool that can be used by educators and students to collaborate on projects. The tool is beneficial for educators who want to create more engaging and media-rich presentations than is possible with tools such as PowerPoint. The tool also has the added advantage of the fact that the end users can access the content from anywhere and using several devices. The tool enhances the convenience of the learning process allowing students to be able to access their customized engaging class content from anywhere and at any time.
  2. Microsoft Teams– Microsoft Teams is a great communication tool that can be used by teachers and students. The space allows students and teachers to communicate and collaborate in real-time without the constraints of having to set up physical meetings. The platform allows students and teachers to communicate beyond the classroom and school environments and even provide feedback and hold discussions on various topics. The communication can be through video calls, messaging, responses, and even calls allowing for flexibility depending on individual preferences.
  3. Microsoft Forms– Microsoft Forms was a tool I was grateful to discover through the subject. Microsoft Forms allows students to communicate their knowledge and what they understand about a specific topic or question in a way that is flexible. The students can include short answers and links to projects on Google Forms which demonstrates their understanding in their unique way. 

These tools are convenient to use and relatively easy to incorporate into use within the classroom. Every educator should be excited and encouraged to use these tools to enhance communication with students, parents, and other educators!

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