Sway Life Stories

In Chapter 2 of Sail the 7 Cs with Microsoft Edge, there are many different strategies that are stated on how to improve communication among students and even the community. One that stuck out to me was a tool called Sway.

Sway is a story telling program designed by Microsoft. Many people ask how it is different from a powerpoint and the answer to that is that Sway can use videos, fluid pictures and voice overs to create a story.

Sway can be used in the classroom to tell stories, presentations and the most popular way is class newsletters. Anyone who has a link to their class Sway page can view what is being posted.

Sail the 7 Cs with Microsoft Edge gives an example of how Sway has been used to connect a classroom with their community. Lee Whitmarsh wanted to connect his classroom with couples in the community where one of them has dementia. He split up his students and the couples in the community and he had his students interview them. The students learned about the couples life and built a relationship with these people. Using a memory box that these people with dementia had, students created a story for them to watch anytime they wanted. While the person with dementia may not remember a time on their own, seeing and hearing about it can help them remember what they felt in that moment.

Sway created an opportunity for students to learn how to communicate with others in their community. Communication is a huge concept that students need to learn and using Sway and doing an assignment like Lee Whitmarsh had his students do is a great way for them to learn how to communicate. It also teaches students to have empathy for those in the community.

For more info about Sway check out their website ! Sway Life Stories

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