The Many Uses Of Translator Apps

The United States education system faces a problem relatively unique to our nation which is the vast diversity amongst students.

As the USA is the melting pot of the world we have students entering the public school system from a multitude of cultures, backgrounds, and languages.

Sadly most schools in the country do not have the proper translators to help each student so often students will fall behind as their understanding of a lesson taught in their second language is not fully comprehended. This is where translation tools become so important.

First of these translation tools is Microsoft Translator, an app that allows teachers and students to converse with one another in two totally different languages using dictation. Tools like google translator allow simple translations and similar features however does not have the same connection between at home and classroom applications. This is done through the integration of the Microsoft teams and cloud systems. Microsoft Translator also features a mobile app allowing anyone with a smartphone to have access to this service for free. 

Before reading this week’s chapter in the textbook I was unaware of how effective a tool this service provides for so many around the world

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed

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