Microsoft Translator overtakes Google Translator

Educators deal with a variety of learners, including language learners (and their parents) who may not speak or understand the language of the classroom well. Another example is deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) students who need assistive equipment. By providing inclusive classroom learning with live captioning, cross-language comprehension, and even multilingual casual interactions to aid in student integration, Microsoft Translator helps close these communication barriers.

Microsoft Translator was established in 2000 and has developed into a highly advanced translation app.

Why is Microsoft Translator superior to Google Translator?

  • Microsoft Translator is proven to be faster than Google
  • Microsoft Translator App provides multiple components of the translation
  • Microsoft Translator makes travel more accessible as you can take pictures of signs/maps when traveling in an area of unfamiliar language.
  • Many educators rely on Microsoft Translator over Google
Microsoft Translate used for traveling

Thank you for reading

Twitter: @nickimuzzillo


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