Communicating using Sway

Microsoft Sway is a story telling application/program created by Microsoft that presents ideas on screen in an interactive and intuitive way. Sway allows individuals and families working with students to create a digital interactive history, moving forward and back in the dynamic presentation at their own pace selecting what video to play while looking at any of the photographs and artwork that they wish.

Student CAN use Sway at their own pace to learn.

One of Sway’s unique features is the linear fluidity feature. The content presented feels smoother because it isn’t broken up by slides or cluttered with chunky transitions. As you swipe through the page, the text and images subtly float in.

Sway is available on the Microsoft Cloud, which can be accessed whenever needed. The Sway can be viewed on any internet enabled device at any time, and multiple people can view the Sway at the same time. It is free and accessible by anyone with internet access. It also allows people to edit it and add more content to differentiate the Sway to match their needs.

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