Concordia Language Villiages

Concordia Language Villages is a program where a mission has been set out globally to inspire. This is done through day camps and sleepaway camps. There are youth and family programs where language is brought to life. This is done through with the opening up of different languages to become a villager. The languages offered are Portuguese, Spanish, Danis, French, Arabic, Finnish, Russian, Norwegian, Italian, Korean, English, Chinese, German, Japanese and Swedish. The summer language immersion program is compared to entering the country. The participants are evaluated with their background of language but all are welcome. The purchases there are made with the currency of the culture. The participants are emerged into the culture of the language, performing rituals like that of the tea ceremony which is a routine of the French Canadian fur trades. 

people sitting in front of table talking and eating

The goal of this program focuses on not separating the language from the life. The instructors ensure that there is full immersion, using the language that will be taught and learned by the participants. There are new experiences to be had here and they say on the website “Bring a toothbrush, clean socks and your sense of adventure.” Charters are offered as well so that everyone has the possibilities of learning new cultures and languages. There are resources like lists of what to pack, camp advice and encouragement about how to leap towards the culture. There are dining services, transportation, and many other resources to get participants to where they feel satisfied with their language learning experience. 

beige and blue desk globe

The program wants participants to learn what they see fit for themselves. They encourage you to choose a language where your heritage is from, or one that you feel curious about. The goal is to merge different language learners with one another where they can continue to learn from one another depending on the different level of language learners. There are no textbooks for this program, just the language and culture. The classroom culture is not where they strive. They don’t use English to help translate or explain, instead they use techniques like hand gestures, objects, miming, demonstrations, ect. The context of the environment is just as important as the understanding of the language. They ensure that everything will be understandable as long as doubts are left before arrival.

unknown person writing on chalkboard

Concordia Language Villages provides a new way of learning language that can benefit the masses. No experience is required to better your own understanding of different cultures or languages here. In order to be able to understand and learn there are new techniques being offered with this opportunity. 

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