Collaboration in the Classroom

This article is about strategies to build student collaboration in the classroom. The article mentioned 10 different ways to build student collaboration in the classroom. Collaborative learning is when the students form small groups to discuss questions or work on projects together and learn from each other. Collaborative learning has become one of the best teaching methods in today’s world.

In order for the students to work together as a team, it is important to choose how to break students into groups. When a teacher decides on the groups, the teacher can pick students with different strengths and weaknesses so that they could learn from each other. But there is also the option to have the student decide for themselves, that way the students could be with their friends and collaborate more. It is also important to decide the size of groups depending on what they are working on, if the groups are too small the students might not learn too much from it. But if the groups are too large some students might not be able to join the conversation.

It is also important to make goals and set up rules for each group so that the students will have something to work on together, and it is important to teach them how to cooperate with one another. Assigning roles such as leader, recorder, and encourager could also be very useful when the student is not sure what to do, and students can improve their skills for it. For younger students, playing a game to get students warmed up could also be very helpful, games could help the students to get familiar with each other and be more willing to cooperate. And finally, it is important to evaluate each group and either teach them how they can improve or reward them if they did well.

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