Tramau Informed Classrooms By WE

I learned from we schools about trauma-informed classrooms. What a trauma-informed classroom is where teachers understand how trauma can impact student learning and behavior. This organization makes it a priority that educators are informed about the impacts and results of trauma. There have been so many students that have been exposed to violence and traumatic events that unfortunately have emotionally and physically left a negative impact.

The module goes through all the types of trauma that children could have gone through. There are also warning signs to trauma like noticing patterns of behavior and unhealthy coping mechanisms. They inform teachers about all types of trauma because they know what to look for if a student should be experiencing trauma. Understanding how trauma works and how it can affect learning is a key to having a great classroom.

The module also comes with activities to test their knowledge

I was also able to learn from we schools about bullying and how it is another form of trauma. The module covers the entire topic of bullying. This resource informs teachers about the victim, the perpetrator, and even the bystander. They put emphasis on how traumatic bullying can be for the victim. Also, the perpetrator can be experiencing their own type of trauma that’s causing them to take it out on other people. 

In the second section, it describes ways of taking action which an example could be reaching out to parents. They give you scenarios and one of the first things you should do as an educator is to listen. There may be students who will not report bullying because they think it’s embarrassing or they think you may not listen. In this situation, a teacher needs to be there to offer support and take action for those students. 

A worksheet on bullying

Thanks for reading!

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