Virtual Reality in the Classroom

Virtual reality is becoming more and more popular with the increasing development of technology. I remember when my brother got a virtual reality gaming set a few years ago. I tested it out and thought it was the coolest experience. You could go anywhere you want and do whatever you want depending on the game and controls.

Check out this quick video about virtual reality and augmented reality for a quick summary:

VR and AR would enhance learning in so many ways. Students can learn any subject virtually. They can travel the world, learn different cultures, and solve problems all through the screen. It also makes learning fun and interactive.

Youtube 360 is a great tool for students. It is free and easy. You can do so many things from just clicking play on a video. This will be useful for students. This link here will take you to an account that has many videos that you can explore. From skydiving to doing yoga the possibilities are endless.

Here is a video walking through a day in Pisa!

There are so many lesson options teachers can do depending on the subject. VR and AR are growing more and more each day, it is important to learn the best way we can use new technology.

This can lead to successful global collaborations by having students explore the world and educate them on global issues. Raising awareness is the first step and teaching our future generations now will lead to global collaboration.

Thanks for stopping by!

Check out my Twitter: @lauren_miraglia

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