YouTube 360 as a Tool to Enhance Global Collaboration

I explored YouTube 360 as the VR tool for this week and was completely amazed. YouTube 360 essentially allows one to be completely immersed in a video by providing the viewer with a complete 360-degree view of the video (YouTube, n.d.). The video format allows any creator to take their audience to a new area or experience while giving them complete control over which vantage point they could use to experience the new place or concept. For instance, this video on YouTube allows one to follow along on this New York Times interview using 360 videos. Throughout the video, the audience can determine which areas or views to explore almost as if they were at that point where the video was shot in New York. While using the VR technology one could be completely immersed on this street, hearing the sounds, and narration and seeing the people, buildings, and structures almost as if they are right there. The possibility for use of this technology in field trips is Incredible!

The videos can be watched on any device including a laptop or a smartphone. Perhaps the best feature of the YouTube 360 video option is the fact that it does not necessarily require any special VR tools for the viewer. While other sites and tools may require one to have a VR headset or gadget, YouTube 360 only requires one to have a smart device or laptop to experience it. To watch 360 videos on a laptop, all one has to do is click and drag on any point in the video to change the point of view (GCF Global, n.d.). To watch on a smart device, all one has to do is open the YouTube app, click on any 360 videos, and turn the device in any direction they would like to view the video from (GCF Global, n.d.). The accessibility of this tool on multiple devices without the need for additional devices makes it such a valuable tool for resource-strained classrooms.

The potential for global collaboration is equally as incredible and limitless. The tool can be used in classrooms to provide students with unique field trip experiences. For instance, the Discovery Channel on YouTube has an incredible tour of Iceland in 360 video which allows students to immersively explore various sites and scenes in Iceland from different viewpoints. In a global collaboration setting, students could first be able to explore these areas using Virtual Reality and then discuss and interact with students from those regions on specific projects. Imagine a project on environmental conservation where the students in America can see the effects of climate change on a region like Africa through Virtual Reality tools such as YouTube 360. The students, empowered with the experience and information learned through it, can collaborate with students from the same region to work on a practical and effective project on environmental conservation. The potential for using YouTube 360 to enhance global collaboration is therefore limitless and applicable to a wide range of subjects and students.

Allowing students to experience such regions that they would otherwise be unable to explore due to resource constraints empowers and emboldens them to then collaborate and interact with students from these regions. Virtual Reality in this concept allows the students to take greater control of their learning experience even as they virtually explore spaces and enhances their confidence to collaborate with other students (PBS Education, 2023). The easy availability of the tool also means that students can often continue exploring subjects and topics on their own once they have an interest, creating the perfect environment for collaboration with students across the globe (PBS Education, 2023). The students can set up online meetings at any time of their convenience and also use various collaboration tools such as Teams and Padlet to collaborate on specific projects on their own time, taking learning beyond the physical classroom.

Virtual Reality in the form of YouTube 360 allows educators to make learning more meaningful and impactful. It could facilitate and enhance global collaboration among students and allow students to also take greater control of their learning process.


GCF Global. (n.d.). The now: What is 360 video?

PBS Education. (2023, January 1). Virtual reality opens the door to global…. PBS Education.

YouTube. (n.d.). Create. YouTube VR. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from

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