This week, I looked into WE Teachers. A website made for teachers to help them in their classroom. While looking into the website, I found a module based on Social and Emotional Learning. I plan of making Social and Emotional Learning a focus in my classroom due to mental health becoming a more common thing to talk about without much judgment.
This is a chart that is in the module about what exactly Social and Emotional Learning is. Many people do not know the full meaning of SEL and this chart does a great job overviewing what it is.

There is also a section in the module where it talks about self care and understanding emotions. My future classroom is going to have young minds who are most likely not going to know what some of the things they are feeling are. I want my classroom to be a place where they can start to learn that.

Above is a method that WE Teachers suggests to start to teach how to understand what you are feeling. I will be using this in my classroom for my students and even myself.

This Module even gives a couple different methods to help lift your mood if you are having a bad day. Having a chart of this to help calm a student down or to just make them have a better day is something I will be doing in my future classroom.
Overall I think WETeachers is a good website to look into to get ideas of what you might want to incorporate into your future classroom! There have different modules that give tips and ideas for the classroom, as well as how to handle certain situations. Check out the other modules that they have!