WE.org and their Video Library

In the age of digital technology, it is important for educators to embrace new methods of teaching and learning. It is difficult to do this when you are lacking the necessary resources. This is why We.org was designed to provide educators with said resources. One of the resources that We.org provides that I’d like to highlight is their Video Library. Their Video library includes Virtual events and workshops that provide a unique opportunity for educators and students to learn and grow in ways that are not available through traditional classroom methods. In this blog, I’d like to share my findings on the site. 

WE Virtual Learning Center

Virtual events and workshops offer a unique opportunity for students to learn from experts in their field. WE offers a wide range of videos from experts in various fields, such as science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), social studies, arts, and language. These videos allow students to learn about topics that may not be covered in the classroom, and to hear from experts who are passionate about their subject matter.

In addition to learning from experts, virtual events and workshops can also provide students with the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities. For example, some of the videos on the website include interactive activities. These activities allow students to apply what they have learned in a practical way, which can be more engaging and memorable than traditional classroom methods. Here are some of the interesting videos on the site. 

Global Classrooms

The innovative educational space, Global Classrooms, offers a unique learning experience that transcends the limitations of traditional classrooms, empowering viewers to take an active role in tackling social issues.

Professional Development Sessions

In our Professional Development sessions, you will have the opportunity to learn from industry experts and collaborate with fellow educators who share similar interests and goals.

Educator Well-Being

This interactive well-being workshop is where you can hear from experts and learn effective self-care practices. These sessions offer a supportive environment to prioritize mental and emotional wellness and connect with like-minded individuals who share similar goals.

Speakers Corner

Discover a wealth of knowledge from educational experts, young changemakers, and keynote speakers by exploring the clips from past virtual events. These videos provide a valuable resource for those seeking to broaden their understanding and stay informed about important topics in education and social activism.

Workshop Activities

This section engages viewers in brief, interactive activities to foster their leadership skills and expand their knowledge of global issues. With materials you can find right in your home, your class or service club can participate in these activities and take their learning to the next level.

Benefits of the Video Library

Another benefit of virtual events and workshops is that they can be accessed from anywhere. This means that people who may not have access to certain resources or experts in their local area can still benefit from the knowledge and expertise of others. Additionally, virtual events and workshops can be accessed at any time, which allows students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.

Virtual events and workshops can also help to foster a sense of community among students. For example, some of the videos in the library are opportunities for students to connect with other learners and share their work. This can be especially valuable for students who may feel isolated or disconnected from their peers in a traditional classroom setting.

Finally, virtual events and workshops can be a valuable tool for teachers as well. The website includes resources for educators, such as lesson plans and discussion guides, which can be used to supplement classroom instruction. Additionally, teachers can use the website to connect with other educators and share ideas and best practices.

All in all, after looking at the vast resources provided by WE.org’s virtual learning center, the video library stood out the most to me. They offer a unique opportunity for students to learn from experts, engage in hands-on activities, and connect with other learners. Additionally, virtual events and workshops can be accessed from anywhere and at any time, which makes them a flexible and convenient tool for educators. Thus, why not explore the website and see what it has to offer? Your students (and your own teaching practice) will thank you.

Thanks For Reading!!

Check out the Video Library at WE Virtual Learning Center

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