Accessibility Tools

In the age of modern technology and new advancements in nearly every field of practice on a regular basis one of the greatest luxuries is accessibility. Accessibility tools are made for two purposes, either to allow someone with any condition that makes learning harder for them easier or as a tool to enhance the learning experience. Here are seven great accessibility tools being used today.

RocketBook Beacons

RocketBook Beacons are markers that are attached to a white board that will instantly turn any regular whiteboard into a smart board using the RocketBook App. By installing the app and taking a picture of the board with the markers the app turns a students phone or tablet into an adjustable image that they can interact with.

JAWS Screen Reader

JAWS is a screen reading software that allows words on a screen to be verbally read aloud for students who have any trouble whether their issue is visual or comprehensional to assist them in understanding what is written.

Dragon Naturally Speaking

Dragon is a software that allows students to verbally speak into their computer or phone to control it. It has uses for both writing and editing purposes as well as those who may by physically impaired and unable to type.


Sonocent is a digital lecture recording software that converts spoken word into text. For students who struggle to take effective notes or are unable to keep up with the speed of a class this is a great tool for ease of use .

C-Pen Readers

C Pens are tools that will scan the words on a page and record them as well as recite them aloud working as a handheld camera to help students comprehend or be able to read text without being able to see it.

Google Chrome

In recent years Google Chrome has taken the mantle of becoming one of if not the most used browser and has a slew of accessibility features to make one’s experience with the software a breeze. With features such as keyboard shortcuts, vision dimmers and amplifiers, talkback and narrator, Chrome is hands down the most accessible browser on the market today.

Google Cloud Services and Software

The google cloud platform in recent years has proven itself to be one of the most effective choices for anyone with any need for accessibility. With features such as screen readers, voice to speech options for all programs, multi-person document real time editing and even braille support. This puts the google cloud platform miles ahead of the competition.

Overall each of these applications are great tools for anyone to integrate into their learning experience or to aid others.

I hope you enjoyed reading, follow me at @RobPetST.

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