With the world advancing every second, many inventions were introduced as a result. Some of these inventions include accessibility tools that help in the classroom. Here are a few accessibility tools that will help in your classrooms today!
- Rocketbook Beacons: This software is designed to make the classroom a lot easier for everyone. The only things that you need are the beacons that go on to all corners of a whiteboard and a free account with the Rocketbook app. The purpose of the software is to allow students and guests to get a digital smartboard of what it taught in class. This is very helpful for students who can’t write or write fast enough to get all the notes in class. Say goodbye to unreadable notes and say hello to neat notes.
- Smartpens: Smartpens is a device that allows students to record the sound around them. As a result the sound is sent to their electronic phone and more. This is another lifesaver for students who need all the notes taken down. Speedwriting does not cut it anymore in 2023. With equipment like Smartpens students have a new way to take notes from lectures.
- Voice Dream Reader: Do you or anyone you know struggle with reading? Do you have a hard time seeing things that affect your reading? If you do, don’t worry. Voice Dream Reader is here to help. With this application you can have any text read back to you aloud. You’ll be able to change the setting of the voice that plays back to you and you will also be able to find various sources within the application. Another cool feature is the ability to change the settings to the text. For example, to follow along you can change the background color and the highlight color of the words. This feature makes it a lot easier to follow along with the text.
- Purp-To-Do List & Goal Tracker: Have you had any problems keeping up with tasks that need to be done? Have you once had a goal but then lost track of it? Purp-To-Do List & Goal Tracker are here to help you. This is a digital app which can be easily accessible. In this app you can plan out goals and tasks along with setting reminders. This is especially helpful with school assignments. If you are someone who struggles with where to start, you will be able to get help in fixing this problem. This app can be used to break down a schedule of when to do assignments and what assignments to do. Organization is a great skill especially when it comes to the classroom.
- Present slides with captions(Google): Have you ever struggled with hearing your teacher speak when you sit in the back of the class? With this tool by Google this issue should be resolved when applied in the classroom. It’s also a great tool to use for students who are deaf. Using this tool helps everyone stay on the same page and also be involved.
- Microsoft Translator: There is a wide variety of languages being spoken. In the classroom you are bound to meet people who speak different languages whether you are a teacher or student. The language barrier will always be there to an extent but it is up to you whether or not you keep a wall up or break it down. With Microsoft Translator you will be able to break down the barrier. If you ever need to communicate, with someone who speaks a different language it is so much easier now. Using this application translations for both parties will be made in an instant.
- Grammarly: If you aren’t the best writer it’s okay. We all aren’t perfect writers. You can just write like normal. If there is any fixing that needs to be done, Grammarly will be able to help. With Grammarly you will receive feedback on your writing which includes what can be improved. This is a great tool to use on your literature papers but also for every other class you take. It helps you in everyday life.
These are the seven tools I found that will be the most helpful for students and teachers! Did you hear about any of these tools before? If so, what tools? If you have any other helpful accessible tools for students and teachers please share it below.