Virtual Field Trip

The Smithsonian National Museum was one of my favorite places I went when I visited Washington DC when I was twelve years old. Now nearly a decade later I was able to go back through the use of a virtual field trip that allowed me to re live what it was like walking into one of the most iconic buildings in the country.

As soon as you walk in and also when the virtual tour starts off at is in the main lobby under the shadow of the elephant. From here you can go really wherever you so desire and closely inspect each exhibit much like you would if you were there in person.

Alongside clicking each step you want to take, there is a 3D modeled map which allows you to go from floor to floor and room to room with the click of a button, something I wish I had when visiting there myself for sure.

One of the great highlights of course is Mammal Hall located on the first floor and looks just as good on the screen as it does in my memories. However while my memories may be fuzzy, the images taken using 4k 360 degree cameras is anything but. The experience is an overall blast especially for a history major such as myself.

If you are interestied in visiting the Virtual Field Trip exieperince yourself go to

Thank you for reading, follow me at @RobPetST

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