National Zoo Live Cams

Nicole Ippolito

This morning, I was able to take a virtual tour to the national zoo and watch the animals go on about their day from my own home, and you should too following this link!

The animals you have access to are as follows:

  • Andean bear cub
  • Giant panda
  • Cheetah cub
  • Naked Mole- rat
  • Lion
  • Elephant

The first animal I took a look at was the elephant cam. Elephants are such a fascinating animal, but when do you get the chance to see them besides at a zoo? Luckily, I was able to see them via the virtual field trip!

The next animal I got to virtually visit was the giant panda. The live cam of this panda consisted of a whole lot of nothing! The panda was sitting in a corner the whole time, but how exciting is it that I got to see it without actually going to the zoo?!

The next animal I looked at was the lion. This animal has the biggest exhibit in the zoo! There were two lions laying down in this livecam, and it was SO cool to see!

While the virtual zoo gives you access to other animals, it looks like they were out of the camera. I will go back later to check in on them! Im so happy i checked out this website, as my love for animals will forever be growing!

One response to “National Zoo Live Cams”

  1. Hello! I think this virtual trip was super interesting and cool to look at! Being able to see live animals by just logging in. It is really easy to use and is so interesting that I can just log in and feel as if I am really there visiting in person! This is a tool I would love to use in my future classroom with my students.

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