My absolute favorite field trip in elementary school was the planetarium. I was so glad to hear that gives all students the chance to get this experience. The website allows students to learn all about the night sky including planets, constellations, and satellites that travel through space.

The entire website was extremely interactive. I was able to drop a pin at Stockton University, so I was able to see exactly what the sky directly above me looks like through a magnified lense. There were tons of tools that I was able to use to learn about all of the different stars, consellations, and satellites. I was also able to switch between day and nigh mode to get an even better view of the sky.

Another really useful tool on the website is that you can see what all of the constellations look like as well as what stars connect them. I love looking for all of the constellations, so I was definitely be using this next time I go star gazing. It really helps me understand the shapes that all of the stars are making.

This website would be very useful for students who do not have access to an actual planetarium. Students can use it both educationally and for fun if they are interested in space. I am so glad that I got a chance to try out this website and I will be using it in the future.
2 responses to “Virtual Field Trip to the Neave Planetarium”
Hey Lexi! I enjoyed reading your blog post! I liked your opinion on the website and agree that this would be super useful for students. It’s also a fun website that is interactive, I believe students would like it. I like your screenshotted images, very pretty. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Lexi! This blog post was so fantastic! I really enjoyed reading this and seeing how interactive Stellarium is. I know you said this was your favorite field trip in Elementary School, and I wish I could’ve experienced something like this at that age! After viewing the website you linked, it felt like I was under the night sky irl! This is awesome! It’s amazing how real the night sky looks. It’s great that anyone can go on and learn more about our solar system! Especially when they can see the sky directly above them!