360 Cities

360 Cities is a website that allows its users to experience footage from all around the world in virtual reality. Users can control the view they see of each video. They can look up, down, and side to side. This makes the experience feel very real and like you are actually there.

360 Cities

How to use this website (it’s super simple):

  • visit the website https://www.360cities.net/
  • click “explore”
  • click “360 video gallery”
  • find a video
  • explore and have fun!

I chose to explore some coral reefs in the Philippines. I love places with clear blue water and tropical fish. This is why I found the coral reefs so beautiful and peaceful. I really felt like the virtual reality footage did the scenery justice. It felt like the fish were 3D. I’ll let the screenshots speak for themselves.

The Reefs

Watching this video was amazing because you could watch the fish swimming around living their life in their own environment. Due to the fish being in the ocean, and not a controlled man-made environment, the videos give me a whole different experience than an aquarium.

This website would be super beneficial to students. Using this in a classroom would engage the students while teaching them about different countries, cultures, and environments. Students would have the freedom to choose wherever they want to explore. This website is free to use, making this a great option for all schools and children. Unfortunately, vacations/fieldtrips can be very costly. While exploring something through virtual reality is not by any means the same as in person, it still allows students to see parts of other places without breaking the bank.

Since the videos some from all over the world, students can learn about different environments/ecosystems like the ocean, the tundra, the rainforest, the dessert, and more. They can watch the animals in their natural habitat. Also, students can see things from all over. This includes the pyramids, the Pantheon, natural parks, and more. This can teach children about cultures and landscapes.


4 responses to “360 Cities”

  1. Hey Spence! This is a super cool website you explored. I liked how you gave instructions on how to use the website and then furthered it into how it can be implemented in classrooms. There’s definitely benefits to this super cool technology, being able to travel anywhere within a click from a finger is a really great thing. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I wrote a blog post on 360Cities as well! I really like how you included instructions on how to use the site as well as showing various angles of the area you explored!! Great work.

  3. Hi Spence! I think seeing a location with 360 vision is absolutely incredible! This tool could be great for someone looking to travel to that area; they can jump onto the website and get a feel for the environment before physically traveling there. I need a vacation right now, so it felt good to get on and see some sunny locations I wish I was at right now! What was your favorite place to explore?

  4. Hi Spence! I found your blog topic very interesting. To be able to see any location in 360 is amazing! I love how simple the website is. I also like how you include some locations for us to see and perhaps convince us to use this site our selves. Nice work!

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