Microsoft Translator for Education

By Andrew Simoes

What Is Microsoft Translator for Education?

The Translator for Education site provides free resources, tools, and how-to guides for live captioning and translation in the classroom.

What Is Microsoft Translator for Education used for?

As seen in the video, Microsoft Translator has many uses. For the purpose of this blog, I am going to highlight four.

  1. Lectures & Presentations
  2. Parent-Teacher Conferences
  3. Study Groups
  4. Conversations

Lectures & Presentations

One of the many benefits that Microsft Translator has is it can help students whose language might not be the language spoken in the classroom understand the material being taught in class.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Microsoft Translator does not only benefit students but parents as well. Like the student, this allows parents to easily communicate more with both their students and their student’s teachers.

Study Groups

Group work allows students to get to know each other and complete assignments more efficiently. But when language barriers are present, it can be hard to make those connections. With Microsoft Translator, students can overcome those barriers are overcome leading to new connections among students and more efficient classwork.


Finally, we all know how difficult it can be in a conversation when the other person does not understand what we are saying. This can lead to what we are trying to say getting lost or outright ignored. Microsoft Translator removes this worry and allows students of other languages to easily communicate with their press and their teachers.


“Microsoft Translator for Education – Microsoft Translator.” Microsoft Translator for Education,

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