Communication-The Spectrum of Abled and Disabled

 We have always heard the phrase “Out with the old, in with the new!” but can we say that when it comes to schooling? After reading Chapter 2 of Sail the 7C’s with Microsoft Education I can say this has come to fruition! This chapter focuses its emphasis on communication technology integrated into the educational setting. Microsoft has a wonderful contribution to this field of tech. The chapter discusses the innovative use of Microsoft software by educators around the world. We might think to ourselves that reaching a wider scope of people is always the better tactic to use. However, our educators in the “Communicators” chapter prove us wrong. Teachers from around the world have been able to utilize Microsoft Tech to reach the students who aren’t always extended a helping hand because of whatever circumstance.

Often what might capture the broader audience isn’t always true. Those who are often reached are usually the common denominator of people. It might be easy to say that reaching these students would be the best approach. Clearing the path for those who don’t fit the generally thought of  “status quo” clears a path for everyone. It is only fair when everyone gets an equal opportunity.

Clearing a path for all will make sure you extend your reach to everyone! Referenced Image Location

Microsoft’s mission statement is to “empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more.” In this chapter, we get to observe that these words have been taken into action.

Microsoft’s-Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader has allowed people from all different backgrounds and abilities to read text that otherwise would be an impediment or not necessarily possible. We have all dealt with challenges accessing information or communicating when it comes to reading text. For example, some of us wear reading glasses for small text, have difficulty concentrating because of noise or light, or travel to a place where we can’t understand the language.

Immersive Reader is just how it sounds. Immersive Reader provides you the capability to adjust the text however you please. I would again like to note that this utility benefits everyone, not only those who need accommodations. Clearing a path for those who need a helping hand clears a path for all.

Here is a picture of Immersive Reader in action. Immersive Readers allows for access to some much-needed help. Referenced Image Location

In truth, we are all in a constant flow between being abled and disabled. There is no person in the world who relies solely on themselves. Humans are social animals for a reason. If we didn’t count on each other what sense would it make to be social? By ourselves, we can be strong but together we are stronger. With the onset of life, we are in constant need of resources from outside sources. Newborns are vulnerable to the outside world. They are defenseless and in need of constant care. Later we harness skills to contribute to the societal whole and eventually when we have done our part in life we are provided for in the end. 

A great example of this and the use of Microsoft Tools is a wonderful story by Lee Whitmarsh an art teacher that shared his skills with the older members of the community. Deciding to use his skills for good Lee started a journey to make a difference in the lives of those with dementia. Lee and his students started with the concept of reminiscence therapy. They used Microsoft’s Sway to put together wonderful memories for couples with a spouse in the early stages of dementia. The students used artifacts and photos that the couples were fond of and familiar with and created beautiful collages on Sway with detailed histories. Microsoft reaches people beyond the scope of academic affairs and has touched the lives of so many people.

Go to to see the lives Sway has been able to touch. Referenced Image Location

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