Communication Has Improved In Various Ways!

Technology has improved communication and brought new forms of communication!

From 99Designs

Communication is key in everyday life. It’s a skill that is needed to be learned by everyone. It is most effective when it is learned by someone at a young age because they have more time to experience it. Technology has brought a new experience with communication. This technology has been helpful not only in everyday life but also in education. It has helped many teachers and students with their daily technology activities. Here are two inventions that improve communication!

  1. Microsoft Translator

Microsoft Translator is a recent innovation by Microsoft. The translator can be used for anything including personal, business, and education use. Have you ever had a time where you could not communicate with someone due to a language barrier? I know I have a couple of times and so did my parents. My parents had a language barrier issue with the school/education system because they didn’t speak the English language. Microsoft created this technology in order to close that language barrier gap. If you need it for school or just for personal use like traveling to a different country it is very helpful. This translator enhances the ways of communication with everyone from all around the world by offering translations services to over 100 other languages.

2. Presenter Coach

Have you ever had any issues when presenting in front of other people? I’m sure everyone has faced this issue before. Some may have gotten better at it but some must still be facing the same issue. I know personally I still struggle with presentations. Microsoft came up with a new idea that helps people get better at presenting. This communication helper lets you practice before a presentation and gives you feedback. If you read off the slides too much or go too fast when presenting, the Presenter Coach will help you get better and resolve the issues. It will help you to the point where it gives you feedback until you perfect your presentation.

Communication has changed drastically over the past 20 years. What was once known as communication 20 years ago is completely different from what communication is today. The great thing is that as a society we managed to keep up with the fast changing pace and even managed to make new forms of communication. Overall these two communication apps are very helpful to everyday life. It helps people connect with each other better and work on perfecting their presentation skills. 

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