Teen Screen

By Andrew Simoes

Teen screen is an educational service that allows teens of all different backgrounds and learning styles to come together and explore difficult topics through film.

How Teen Screen works

  1. A teacher picks a film from the Teen screen lineup covering various topics.
  2. Teen screen provides a study guide for the film and a optional classroom experiences provided by other educators.
  3. Stdeunst them meet to watch the film.
  4. Students then discuss the film openly and honestly with other educators and with one another.
  5. Students then write a reflection on the film

Tools Like this can be very useful to me as a history teacher. After looking through the library of teen screen films, they have many historical films. I think it can be very helpful when discussing difficult historical topics.

One response to “Teen Screen”

  1. Hi Simoesa1! When I first saw the title of you blog I would’ve guessed it was
    about teens and their excessive usage of phones and devices! As interesting
    as that would have been your blog is so much better. I think it is amazing that
    students from different background and learning styles can come together to
    learn about something. It also it a fun and creative way to introduce new
    topics to students, kind of like a huge movie night! I loved the example of
    using it for history class, it would be a great tool for historical films. Great
    blog and next time I’ll bring popcorn!

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