The Incorporation of a Classroom Tool and Its Importance

I came across a game that I think I would like to use in my future classroom. The game is called Global Kids. I am studying to be an elementary school teacher and I think this game can provide a lot of educational opportunities as well as allowing the students to have fun. 

I chose this game because it teaches the students about ways to preserve the environment and about different cultures around the world. The game is primarily card based and it included some crafts. While learning about the different cultures, the game includes different types of food and festivities produced all around the world.

I found this totally useful in the classroom because students can be exposed to different regions of the world all in one game. This allows students to become more involved with the saving of our planet and come up with eco-friendly ideas. Also, the multiple activities included spreads awareness about what is happening with the environment.

I would use this game in the classroom by having it associated with social studies because this would most likely be one of the best subjects to play this game in. Another subject to incorporate this activity would be art class because of the crafts included in the box. I’m sure there are also different ways to incorporate this activity into a classroom. 

Thanks for reading!

Follow me on twitter @panagioe

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