Collaboration In The Classroom

In this article it talks about the benefits of having students collaborate with each other. The article mentions how there are many different ways to collaborate. You can collaborate one on one, or in larger groups. When collaborating, students are usually working together in order to find a solution to solve a problem. Students are able to work off of each other in order to solve the problem.

In case you don’t know where to start, or how to introduce collaboration in your classroom, the article mentions some tips. The first step to making the classroom a great environment for working together is to have kids understand how to work in a group setting. The kids can start with some icebreakers in order to get comfortable with each other and talking out loud. If kids don’t know where to start, the teacher can assign roles to everyone in the group to make conversations run smoothly. To help, the teacher can walk around and make sure the kids are participating and collaborating effectively. The teacher can encourage students to handle their own problems before coming to them to build the child’s confidence when it comes to problem solving.

Why is collaboration important? There are many benefits that come out of students working together to solve a problem. When working in groups students can learn communication skills, leadership skills, and improve their critical thinking. Students can learn diverse perspectives from their peers, and also learn self responsibility. Having collaboration in the classroom is very important, and a great way for students to come together to learn new things.

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