Collaboration is Key in Education

In the article I found in Edtech magazine by Jacob Kolber, I read that since the pandemic and students having to deal with remote learning, there has been more of a collaborative approach in education. This collaborative approach is the complete opposite way education was endured before Covid-19. Students are more involved with the teaching process now and their knowledge is able to be built more with their peers.

Due o the distance learning and remote learning, instructors had to incorporate more technological tools to allow for more collaboration in the online setting. Students were already isolated from their peers during the peak of the pandemic so they needed some type of social interaction with their peers.

There was an 8 percent increase in student performance with blended learning which allowed students to collaborate with technological tools. With the mixing of educational technology and collaboration in classroom, students work together to achieve a certain goal. The incorporation of tech tools like Flipgrid and Minecraft Education allowed for maximum engagement with the content and embrace the students creative side.

Allowing and encouraging collaboration in the classroom helps build students social skills. This way of learning can allow teachers to adapt the course content to meet the students needs more easily. The students get have fun while receiving a wholesome education.

Thanks for reading!

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