Collaboration Has Changed

The way collaboration was viewed twenty years ago has completely changed today. Collaboration is the best it can be with new ways to collaborate.

This image is from Harman

What comes into your mind when you think of the word collaboration?

Many people may have different responses from one another but the main focus will always include a group of people working together. The meaning of collaboration has changed over the past few years.

Most people think that when people collaborate it’s in person usually. That was the case years ago but now that has changed. Collaboration has become even more in depth and detailed as now people can connect with everyone through social media and technology. Microsoft Teams is the perfect way to collaborate in education. Not only that but the teams created by Microsoft are a perfect way to collaborate for anything including any new ideas.

With the new technology today Microsoft was able to create teams which have various ways to collaborate with people around the world. Using teams educators are able to create a channel for their students in which they can share lesson plans each week in detailed categories such as “To Do” assignments in class for the week or homework assignments. The class material folder can also be used to allow only students to read works and articles given by the educator.

Not only that but they can connect with the students any time if needed by sending out quick messages to them if they ever forget to mention anything in class. These types of announcements can be edited to the point where they are specifically stand out to the students instead of just being like any regular message.

Teams can also let the class of students connect with each other online. If a teacher wants to assign a discussion post that didn’t fit class time then they can use teams to allow students to discuss a topic and their ideas with each other. Students can reply back to each other specifically by using the @ sign.

OneNote classroom notebook is the tool in Microsoft Teams in which many things can be found such as the class material folder which most educators use to place the school assignments and readings. It’s a key part in how teams is helpful in the classroom. Another great feature besides just grades and class related information is that educators can connect with parents. They can work together and parents are able to get updates of how their children are doing in school.

Collaboration is important. The more people and students collaborate their ideas the more helpful it becomes to everyone. It’s something that is new especially with the way technology enhances it but it’s very valuable. It’s valuable to meet new people, see new ideas, and see a different view in life. Microsoft Teams shows the importance of collaboration it’s time for more people to use it around the world.

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