How has Zoom changed our lives?

In %20

In%20this article, Alison Rayome discusses how zoom made our lives much more accessible in 2020. We all know that when the pandemic hit, our whole world turned upside down and went from being in person every day to jumping on zoom with a dress shirt and sweatpants. Almost everyone was affected this way and turned to zoom as a way of contact.

Socially distanced Zoom call

Zoom changed the world almost immediately. The pandemic hit all of us so quickly. One day, everything was normal, and the next, we could no longer see one another. So rather than coming in contact with someone with this deadly disease, we took the opportunity to video call them, which saved many lives.

Alison says, ” Zoom grew from 10 million daily meeting participants in December 2019 to more than 300 million in April 2020. I think this kind of growth to a company in such a short period made zoom a powerful platform, and it showed just how badly everyone needed a service like this.

How does this affect the classroom?

There are many essential tools that zoom has incorporated to help teachers and students connect all around the world. Some helpful tools that zoom has:

  • Hand Raising. When someone is speaking on the call, the others have an icon that would “raise there hand” for them, and it lets everyone know that they would also like to speak.
  • Panel Presentations. This tool is most helpful when needing to screen share. This allows someone to present their screen as if they were in an in-person class.
  • Whiteboard. Students can collaborate using the whiteboard feature. This allows them to see what each other is working on and can write group notes.

These are some small ways that Zoom has helped many teachers to continue to have lessons during a worldwide pandemic. This new form of technology that connects us all will continue to improve and change our futures.


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